Higher-resolution ADCs will have more narrow voltage resolutions. Let's do the same calculation with a 16-bit ADC resolution. 216 is 65,536. 5/65,536 is 0.0000762939453125V or 76μV. So between each bit of the ADC is a step of 76μV, much finer than the 1.22mV with the 12...
Ndelay=0; % Number of samples to dump at beginning of transient Vref=2^(N-1); % Positive max voltage swing for voltage output (Simulink Model) % or 2^(N-1) for digital output num_harm=5; % # of harmonics to find and use in THD/SNR calculation %% CALCULATE VALUES FOR FFT % **...
VDD, use the following simple formula to obtain the hex-code value corresponding to an identified input-analog-voltage level: VIN/(VDD/255)=result value="hex" code (see Editor's note). Note that you must round off the result value to a whole number before...
A reference voltage can be either internal voltage or external voltage by applying a voltage on an external pin of the microcontroller. Generally reference voltage can be selected by configuring the corresponding register’s bit field of the microcontroller. ADC will saturate with a analog voltage hi...
AC voltage measurement (True RMS) N/A 100 nV to 700 V AC current measurement (True RMS) N/A 100 pA to 1000 mA Calculation function ✓ Temperature measurement ✓ Data memory 50,000 (or 500,000 for the Option +06) Interface GPIB , USB, LAN (option) *For the detailed specifications...
CRC calculation unit Reset and power management Voltage range: 2.0 V to 3.6 V Power-on/Power-down reset (POR/PDR) Low-power modes:Sleep, Stop, Standby VBAT supply for RTC and backup registers Clock management 4 to 48 MHz crystal oscillator 32 kHz crystal oscillator with calibrati...
CRC calculation unit Reset and power management Voltage range: 2.0 to 3.6 V Power-on/Power down reset (POR/PDR) Programmable voltage detector (PVD) Low power modes: Sleep, Stop, Standby VBATsupply for RTC and backup registers Clock management ...
可以计算每个采样点的Voltage,然后转为数字code(先转为20bits的,然后转为16bits的)。 需要特别注意的是phase offset 0.25的意义,可以保证DAC输入的数字code是不重复的,可以覆盖更多DAC的输入code,提高输入信号质量和输出的测试精度。理论上说为了测试DAC,需要输入216+1个code,仅仅使用4096个code会影响DAC的测试参数。
Figure 3. Voltage error due to encode/clock skew. Figure 4. Voltage error due to offset mismatch. In a two-converter interleaved system, the error voltages generated by gain and phase mismatches result in an image spur that is located at Nyquist minus the analog input frequency. The offset ...
Calculation depends on resolution, input range, and voltage reference. void ADC_StartConvert(void) Description: Forces the ADC to initiate a conversion. In free-running mode, the ADC runs continuously. In software trigger mode, the function also acts as a software version...