删除/system/priv-app/Shell 后, 通过adb install安装应用出现: adb shell install xxx.apkError: java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: runInstallCreate from pm command asks to run as user -1 but is calling from user 0; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL 此时, 使用...
adb install [选项] 应用包.apk 选项包括: -l forward-lock -r 重新安装应用,保留原先数据 -s 安装到 SD 卡上,而不是内部存储 示例: # 安装 facebook.apk adb install facebook.apk # 升级 twitter.apk adb install -r twitter.apk 如果安装成功,工具会返回成功提示 Success;失败的话,一般是以下...
When I try to push a file (~1.3 GB) with adb push on linux, I get this error: adb: error: 65544-byte write failed: Success.<the file's name> And adb daemon crashes. But adb works flawlessly when I... Aral Yılmaz Thread Jan 22, 2025 adb adb linux adb push Replies: 4 ...
= PackageInstaller.STATUS_SUCCESS) { return 1; } // 提交Session Pair<String, Integer> status = doCommitSession(sessionId, false /*logSuccess*/); if (status.second != PackageInstaller.STATUS_SUCCESS) { return 1; } Log.i(TAG, "Package " + status.first + " installed in " + (SystemClock...
adb sync[]-copy host->deviceonlyifchanged(-l meanslistbut don't copy) (see 'adb help all') adb shell - run remote shell interactively adb shell - run remote shell command adb emu - run emulator console command adb logcat [ ] - View device log ...
If installation is successful, it will prompt “Success”; otherwise, it will fail with following messages: * INSTALL_FAILED_ALREADY_EXISTS: You need to reinstall with the -r parameter at this point. * INSTALL_FAILED_SIGNATURE_ERROR: The applied signatures may not be the same, and may be ...
adbinstall 参数: adb install后面可以跟一些参数来控制安装 APK 的行为,常用参数及含义如下: 完整参数列表及含义可以直接运行adb命令然后查看adb install [-lrtsdg]一节。 如果见到类似如下输出(状态为Success)代表安装成功: 12040 KB/s (22205609 bytesin1.801s) ...
error ADB0010: Mono.AndroidTools.InstallFailedException: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK: com.test.teaseer.==/base.apk code is missing] error ADB0010: at Mono.AndroidTools.Internal.AdbOutputParsing.CheckInstallSuccess (System.String output, System.String packageName) [0x00152] in /Users/runner...
Open a terminal and run the below command to check if the installation is success: adb devices Install ADB and Fastboot drivers on Windows using Android Studio To install adb & fastboot on Windows using Android Studio, follow the steps below: ...
adb安装apk到指定设备 将adb.exe 程序的路径配置到系统的环境变量里面命令行中执行以下操作。 查看设备adbdevices安装apk到设备adb-s 71MBBLH24GZC install *.apk出现success表明安装成功。 day05.使用adb命令安装apk软件 第5节:使用adb命令安装apk软件1、将需要安装的apk放在platform-tools下 2、将手机和电脑连接,...