installing apps, backing up and restoring your software, and more. You can use ADB while your phone is plugged in to a computer. You can also use ADB with your device wirelessly by following these instructions. You'll need to briefly connect your device to your computer with...
PackageManager.GET_SIGNATURES | PackageManager.MATCH_STATIC_SHARED_LIBRARIES /*flags*/, userId); final ApplicationInfo appInfo = mPm.getApplicationInfo( params.appPackageName, 0, userId
adb shell am display-density 480重写模拟器/设备显示密度 adb shell am start -n -d paramStr//启动某个app的某个activity(可能需要配置android:exported="true",获取参数:getIntent().getDataString()) adb shell dumpsys activity activities查看全部任务栈 adb...
pm uninstall -k --user 0 com.bbk.appstore //vivo应用商店 (卸载并清除数据:pm uninstall --use...
adb shell am start -n -d paramStr//启动某个app的某个activity(可能需要配置android:exported="true",获取参数:getIntent().getDataString()) adb shell dumpsys activity activities查看全部任务栈
You’ll see a warning pop-up asking you to give installation permission for apps fromUnknown sources. Grant the permission and tap the back button to get back to the app installer. Now, select theInstalloption. The app will be installed on your phone. ...
76:(-all means to back up all installed applications) 77:(-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes 78:system applications; thedefaultis to include system apps) 79:(<packages...> is the list of applications to be backed up. If ...
Installed as D:\adb\adb.exe D:\adb> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、ADB 命令语法 adb命令的基本语法如下: adb [-d|-e|-s <serialNumber>] 1. 1、单个设备/模拟器连接 如果只有一个设备/模拟器连接时,可以省略掉[-d|-e|-s <serialNumber>]这一部分,直接使用adb 。 2、多个设备/模拟器...
(-all means to back up all installed applications) (-system|-nosystem toggles whether -all automatically includes system applications; the default is to include system apps) (<packages...> is the list of applications to be backed up. If the -all or -shared flags are passed, then the ...
adb⽤法:准备:1、在电脑上安装相应的USB驱动,在各分区置顶帖⼦有下载链接 2、⼿机进⼊设置->开发⼈员选项->勾选USB调试 adb devices 查看是否有设备 adb shell ——登录到⼿机,可以执⾏各种linux命令。运⾏后会出现上⾯提到的提⽰符,然后光标闪动等待输⼊命令,⽐如:ls ——列...