Three types of change score reliabilities were estimated using multivariate generalizability. Two methods to increase change score reliability were evaluated: reweighting the subtests of the scale and adding more subtests. Reliability of ADAS-Cog change scores over 1 year was low for both the AD ...
轻度认知功能障碍、轻度阿尔茨海默病和正常对照老人的ADAS-Cog中文版评分比较 万方数据
ADAS-Cog中文版区分轻、中度阿尔茨海默病能力.pdf,中国心理卫生杂志 2005年第19卷第1期 阔跺晋械惋行括博淑逐蹄拔删砰窟吭桓显渔貌肃侯绷潮裔技蛾层赤尝昆学凉拱夹扶洪担敛两嘎逾惊肯阀碌释屋殉筷带颐闷蹦散乎龟
CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirmed the capacity of the ADAS-Cog total score to identify cognitive impairment in AD patients, with poor sensitivity for MCI, in a Portuguese cohort. 展开 关键词: Parkinson's disease vascular risk factor depression obesity overweight ...
doi:10.1016/j.jalz.2013.05.576StephenMeyerMagdalenaPerezCrystalLittleJaySotoDavidMoriartySDOSAlzheimers & Dementia
Background/Aims: To determine the predictive value of the 6-month evolution of the ADAS-cog score in initially mild to moderate Alzheimeru2019s disease (AD) patients on the risk of death or severe dementia (MMSE <10) within 2 years. Methods: Cognition was assessed every 6 months using ...
To determine the predictive value of the 6-month evolution of the ADAS-cog score in initially mild to moderate Alzheimer鈥檚 disease (AD) patients on the risk of death or severe dementia (MMSE <10) within 2 years. Cognition was assessed every 6 months using the ADAS-cog scale in the ...
Results 181 patients (baseline ADAS-Cog score 18.5±6.4) had ADAS-Cog data at 0 and 6?months. Those undergoing clinically significant change on any of the four anchor questions (n=41–47) had an average ADAS-Cog change of 3.1–3.8 points. Similar results were found for the 177 patients ...
The ADAS-Cog is a principal outcome measure for clinical trials of Alzheimer's disease (AD). To date decisions on how much change in ADAS-Cog score is clinically relevant has been based on consensus opinion. We aimed to use statistical methodology to establish the minimal clinically relevant ...
The ADAS-Cog score decline s by an average of 4.3 to 9.1 points in mild to moderate AD clinical trials over 18-month trials (Schneider and Sano 2009). There has not been systematic investigation into the 11 items that comprise the total ADAS-Cog score and how performance on each item ...