轻度认知功能障碍、轻度阿尔茨海默病和正常对照老人的ADAS-Cog中文版评分比较 万方数据
ADAS-cog test does not have semantic encoding process of words nor checks delayed recall. To present a modified ADAS-cog version, with semantic encoding of the word list and delayed word recall, free and cued. To checks its potential usefulness for aMCI detection. Methods Neuropsychological and ...
Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed for comparison among subgroups: t2DM with PDN, t2DM without PDN and control group. Results Comparison of the ADAS-COG scores among groups showed: a) significant differences (p < 0.05) between total t2DM group and control group; b) those differences ...
Note that the use of stable dielectric capacitors, such as NPO or COG, is required in the analog signal path to preserve the ADAS3023 distortion. Using X5R or other capacitors in the analog signal path greatly reduces the performance of the system. Also, note that many bench top arbitrary ...
Note that the use of stable dielectric capacitors, such as NPO or COG, is required in the analog signal path to preserve the ADAS3022 distortion. Using X5R or other capacitors in the analog signal path greatly reduces the performance of the system. Also, note that many bench top arbitrary ...
Methods TYM test was translated and validated into Hungarian (TYM-HUN) in a previous study. The TYM-HUN test was used in conjunction with and compared with the MMSE and the ADAS-Cog. For our study, 50 subjects were selected: 25 MCI patients and 25 healthy controls (HC). Spearman's ...
The TYM-HUN test was used in conjunction with and compared with the MMSE and the ADAS-Cog. For our study, 50 subjects were selected: 25 MCI patients and 25 healthy controls (HC). Spearman's rank correlation was used to analyse the correlation between the scores of MMSE and ADAS-Cog ...
P.5.a.018 Validity of semantic memory test as predictor of change in ADAS-cog scores in mild cognitive impairmentdoi:10.1016/s0924-977x(10)70845-2E. KornseyB. FriedmannM. MurphyN. CutlerElsevier BVEuropean Neuropsychopharmacology
The current analysis provides test-retest reliability data for the MMSE, ADAS-Cog and supplemental executive function measures from a multinational AD trial. Methods Data from a phase II clinical trial of mild to moderate AD subjects were used in these analyses. Sites from the US (35), Sweden...
P.5.a.018 Validity of semantic memory test as predictor of change in ADAS-cog scores in mild cognitive impairment - European Neuropsychopharmacologydoi:10.1016/S0924-977X(10)70845-2E. KornseyB. FriedmannM. MurphyN. CutlerElsevier B.V....