ADAS-Cog阿尔兹海默病评定量表(Alzheimer’s Disease Assessment Scale – Cognitive Subscale),被认为对原发性退行性痴呆的恶化过程特别敏感,用于评定阿尔兹海默病(AD)典型的认知功能损害程度及治疗变化,常用于轻中度AD的疗效评估,由Rosen博士、Mohs博士和他们的同事于1984年开发,1997年修订。 ADAS量表是一种用于痴呆患者...
ADAS-Cog中文版区分轻、中度阿尔茨海默病能力.pdf,中国心理卫生杂志 2005年第19卷第1期 阔跺晋械惋行括博淑逐蹄拔删砰窟吭桓显渔貌肃侯绷潮裔技蛾层赤尝昆学凉拱夹扶洪担敛两嘎逾惊肯阀碌释屋殉筷带颐闷蹦散乎龟
轻度认知功能障碍、轻度阿尔茨海默病和正常对照老人的ADAS-Cog中文版评分比较 目的:比较阿尔茨海默病评定量表认知分量表(Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-cognitive subscale,ADAS-Cog)中文版在轻度认知功能损害(Mild Cognitive Impairment... 李霞,肖世富,李华芳,... - 《中国心理卫生杂志》 被引量: 54发表: ...
被引量: 13发表: 2011年 老年人快速认知筛查量表在社区人群应用的效度研究 (alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale, ADAS-cog)、临床痴呆评定量表(clinical dementia rating scale,CDR)、核心神经心理测验(core ... 吴越,赵进法,杨宏宇,... - 《中华行为医学与脑科学杂志》 被引量: 0发表: ...
Tests, CognitiveAssessments, Functional
Análisis del Alzheimer disease assessment scale–cognitive (ADAS-COG), en una población de sujetos con DMT2 y determinar su posible asociación con la presencia de NDP. Materiales y métodos Se estudiaron 54 pacientes con DMT2, media de edad: 71,1 ± 5,6; varones: 22, mujeres: ...
Note that the use of stable dielectric capacitors, such as NPO or COG, is required in the analog signal path to preserve the ADAS3023 distortion. Using X5R or other capacitors in the analog signal path greatly reduces the performance of the system. Also, note that many bench top arbitrary ...
OBJECTIVE: The Alzheimer's disease assessment scale-Cognitive Subscale (ADAS-Cog) is a battery to assess cognitive performance in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and was developed according to the core characteristics of cognitive decline in AD: memory, language, praxis, constructive ability, and orientatio...
This article presents the Alzheimer's Disease Assessment Scale-Cognitive (ADAS-Cog) for the measurement of disease progression and the patient's response to drug treatment for Alzheimer's disease. Previous scales had only limited utility because of low sensitivity and restrict- ed scope. The ADAS-...
Khan A, Yavorsky C, DiClemente G, et al. Reliability of the Alzheimer's disease assessment scale (ADAS-Cog) in longitu- dinal studies. Curr Alzheimer Res. 2013;10(9):952-63.Khan A, Yavorsky C, Di Clemente G, et al.Reliability of the Alzheimer's disease assessment scale (ADAS-Cog) ...