Adafruit Unified BMP085/BMP180 Driver (Barometric Pressure Sensor) This driver is for the Adafruit BMP085 Breakout ( or BMP180 breakout (, and is based on Adafruit's Unified Sensor Library (Adafruit_Sensor). ...
Adafruit BMP085 Library This is a library for the Adafruit BMP085/BMP180 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BMP085 or BMP180 Breakout --->> These...
The BMP085 is a basic sensor that is designed specifically for measuring barometric pressure (it also does temperature measurement on the side to help). It's one of the few sensors that does this measurement, and its fairly low cost so you'll see it used a lot. You may be wondering wh...
Wiring the BMP Since the BMP085 is a i2c sensor, its very easy to wire up. We'll be using an Arduino as an example but any microcontroller with i2c can be used. To start using with a solderless breadboard, we need to solder the header pins onto the breakout board. We suggest plugg... 如果你正在使用Occidentalis,那你的小派已经配置好I2C接口了,如果你使用Raspbian,你需要打开LXTerminal终端窗口并且输入下面的命令: 1 sudonano/etc/modules 并且在文件末尾添加下面两行: 1
六图网提供精美好看的设计元素素材模板下载,本次设计元素作品主题是Adafruit BMP085案例,编号是1797721,格式是,该Adafruit BMP085案例素材大小是0.08 MB。Adafruit BMP085案例是由设计元素设计师尛尛蘇上传. 浏览本次作品的您可能还对3D打印模型,其他3D打印模型,3D打印 如果你正在使用Occidentalis,那你的小派已经配置好I2C接口了,如果你使用Raspbian,你需要打开LXTerminal终端窗口并且输入下面的命令: sudo nano /etc/modules 并且在文件末尾添加下面两行: i2c-bcm2708 ...
altitude = bmp180_sensor.read_altitude()# check that values are not False (mean not None)ifall([pressure, altitude]): print('pressure={} altitude={}'.format(pressure, altitude)) blynk.set_property(P_VPIN,'color', P_COLOR) blynk.set_property(A_VPIN,'color', A_COLOR) ... 如果你正在使用Occidentalis,那你的... 如果你正在使用Occidentalis,那你的小派已经配置好I2C接口了,如果你使用Raspbian,你需要打开LXTerminal终端窗口并且输入下面的命令: 1 sudonano/etc/modules 并且在文件末尾添加下面两行: 1