Adafruit BMP085 Library This is a library for the Adafruit BMP085/BMP180 Barometric Pressure + Temp sensor Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BMP085 or BMP180 Breakout --->> These...
* @file Adafruit_BMP085_U.cpp * * @mainpage Adafruit BMP085 Pressure Sensor * * @section intro_sec Introduction * * This is a library for the BMP085 pressure sensor * * Designed specifically to work with the Adafruit BMP085 or BMP180 Breakout ...
The BMP085 is a basic sensor that is designed specifically for measuring barometric pressure (it also does temperature measurement on the side to help). It's one of the few sensors that does this measurement, and its fairly low cost so you'll see it used a lot. You may be wondering wh...
To download, click the DOWNLOAD button in the top right corner, renamed the compressed folderAdafruit_BMP085. Check that theAdafruit_BMP085folder containsAdafruit_BMP085.cppand Adafruit_BMP085.h. Place theAdafruit_BMP085library folder in your/librariesfolder. You may need to create the libraries ...
buttonState = 0; int buttonCounter = 0; boolean climbing = LOW; boolean usingInterrupt = false; Tone tone_out1; Tone tone_out2; const short speaker_pin1 = 5; const short speaker_pin2 = 6; const short button_pin = 7; Adafruit_BMP085 bmp; void setup() { //Initialize the LCD ...
Adafruit_BMP085_Unified Adafruit_BMP183_Unified_Library Humidity & Temperature DHT-sensor-library Humidity, Temperature, & Barometric Pressure Adafruit_BME280_Library Orientation Adafruit_BNO055 All in one device Adafruit_LSM9DS0(accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer) ...
~ $ cd Adafruit_Python_BMP/ pi@raspberrypi...:~/Adafruit_Python_BMP $ sudo python install 该文件夹下有一些参考资料,BMP085.py文件就在第二个文件夹Adafruit_BMP里面...Adafruit_Python_BMP目录下面是核心文件BMP085.py的代码,供深入研究的同学参考: # Copyright (c) 2014 Adafruit ...
Adafruit-Fingerprint-Sensor-Library-master.zip_Adafruit_fingerpr Adafruit Fingerprint file 上传者:weixin_42656416时间:2022-09-20 用于Adafruit 的 BMP085 和 BMP180 突破的 统一传感器驱动程序_C++_代码_相关文件_下载 关于BMP085 / BMP180 博世的这款精密传感器是用于测量气压和温度的最佳低成本传感解决方案。因...
-I have a BMP085 on the same I2C bus as the DS1307. I'm using MOSFETs to level shift between the two. -The crystal and the backup battery are to spec with the DS1307. However, the backup battery is physically a couple inches away from the DS1307 itself. ...
pip3是Python的包管理工具,用于安装和管理Python包。Adafruit是一个开源硬件和软件公司,提供各种与物联网和电子设备相关的产品和解决方案。在Raspberry Pi上安装Adafruit包可以帮助开发者轻松地使用各种传感器、显示器和其他外设。 安装Adafruit包的步骤如下: 确保你的Raspberry Pi已连接到互联网,并且已经安装了Python和pip...