因为合理化一件事(同性婚姻,药用大麻)并不必然、一定或可能导致合理化其他事(一夫多妻制,或休闲吸食大麻)。 15. 事后归因或错误归因,或相关 vs 因果 Post Hoc or Faulty Causality, or Correlation vs. Causation 事后归因(Post Hoc)是时序性因果谬误(post hoc ergo propter hoc)的缩短版。可以理解为:在这之后...
这种虚假原因被称为“缘出前物(post hoc ergo propter hoc)”。 如果有人认为任何给定方向上的变化必然会导致相同方向上的进一步变化,由此带来严重的后果,进而错误地反驳某提议,那么他就犯了虚假原因谬误。他可能会认为,采取该行为将把我们置于一个导向灾难的滑坡之上。因此这种推理被称为滑坡谬误。所害怕的后果是否...
quoad hoc 就这一点而言, 在这一点上 quoad vitam 【医】 关于生命 HOC process 均质铸锭法,均质铸锭法 post hoc [拉]在此之后, 因此 ad hoc adj. 1. 临时安排的;特别的;专门的 adv. 1. 临时安排地;特别地;专门地 post hoc ergo propter hoc phr. 后此谬误 ad hoc decision rules 特定决...
Which is an example of post hoc? The Latin phrase "post hoc ergo propter hoc" means "after this, therefore because of this." The fallacy is generally referred to by the shorter phrase, "post hoc." Examples: "Every time that rooster crows, the sun comes up. That rooster must be very...
将“Ad hoc"翻译成塞尔维亚文 Адхоц, уовусврху是“Ad hoc"到 塞尔维亚文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:Bir başka deyişle, ne yapmamız gerektiğini nasıl bulduğumuz, bir bakıma rastlantısal, bir bakıma da " ad hoc " ( niyete mahsus ) ↔ Drugim re...
propter hoc amplius accipietis judicium. 15 Væ vobis scribæ et pharisæi hypocritæ, quia circuitis mare, et aridam, ut faciatis unum proselytum, et cum fuerit factus, facitis eum filium gehennæ duplo quam vos. 16 Væ vobis duces cæci, qui dicitis: Quicumque ...
What is a false cause fallacy? In general, the false cause fallacy occurswhen the “link between premises and conclusion depends on some imagined causal connection that probably does not exist”. ... Like the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, this fallacy is guilty of trying to establish a...
音频列表 1 The False Equivalence Fallacy 56 2024-01 2 Begging The Question Fallacy 56 2024-01 3 The Bandwagon Fallacy 64 2024-01 4 The Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy 64 2024-01 5 The Appeal to Authority Fallacy 60 2024-01 6
quod significat: Quid est hoc? ignorabant enim quid esset. Quibus ait Moyses: Iste est panis quem Dominus dedit vobis ad vescendum. 16 Hic est sermo, quem præcepit Dominus: Colligat unusquisque ex eo quantum sufficit ad vescendum: gomor per singula capita, juxta numerum animarum ...
7 propter hoc ecce Dominus adducet super eos aquas fluminis fortes et multas, regem Assyriorum, et omnem gloriam ejus, et ascendet super omnes rivos ejus, et fluet super universas ripas ejus; 8 et ibit per Judam, inundans, et transiens: usque ad collum veniet. Et erit ...