因为合理化一件事(同性婚姻,药用大麻)并不必然、一定或可能导致合理化其他事(一夫多妻制,或休闲吸食大麻)。 15. 事后归因或错误归因,或相关 vs 因果 Post Hoc or Faulty Causality, or Correlation vs. Causation 事后归因(Post Hoc)是时序性因果谬误(post hoc ergo propter hoc)的缩短版。可以理解为:在这之后...
The False Equivalence Fallacy 56 2024-01 2 Begging The Question Fallacy 56 2024-01 3 The Bandwagon Fallacy 64 2024-01 4 The Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc Fallacy 64 2024-01 5 The Appeal to Authority Fallacy 60 2024-01 6 The Hasty Generalization Fallacy ...
In general, the false cause fallacy occurswhen the “link between premises and conclusion depends on some imagined causal connection that probably does not exist”. ... Like the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy, this fallacy is guilty of trying to establish a causal connection between two even...
The Latin phrase "post hoc ergo propter hoc" means "after this, therefore because of this." The fallacy is generally referred to by the shorter phrase, "post hoc." Examples: "Every time that rooster crows, the sun comes up. That rooster must be very powerful and important!"Similar...
(4)幻灭情节 36、post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy 因果谬误 37、privilege 特权 叙述者的一种特殊权利或能力 38、reach 时间跨度 39、restriction of field 视野限制 40、self-conscious narrator 自觉性叙述者 意识到自己正在进行叙述的叙述者 41、stance 姿态 叙述者与被叙 the narrated 之间的关系 42、...
fallacy ofsecundum quid(more fully:a dicto simpliciter ad dictum secundum quid, which means “from a saying [taken too] simply to a saying according to what [it really is]”—i.e., according to its truth as holding only under special provisos). This fallacy is committed when a general ...
A. First of all, this argument commits a fallacy of post hoc, ergo propter hoc. B. Second, the conclusion is based on the gratuitous assumption that Nova High School’s “success” in using interactive computer instruction in only three subjects would ensure a similar sweeping success in adop...
第三种是相关性谬误(correlational fallacy或者cum hoc ergo propter hoc,与它相关所以就因为它),是说将两个同时发生的事情解释为具有因果关系。两件事很有可能在不存在因果关系的情况下凑巧同时发生;或者,当第三个因素导致两件事共同发生,这两件事也没有因果关系。
According to your textbook, what type of fallacy is the following statement? Joan is scratched by a cat while visiting her friend. Two days later she comes down with a fever. Joan concludes that the c... A. False ogy B. Cum hoc ergo propter hoc C. Post hoc ergo propter...
618、Post hoc fallacy后此谬误 来自拉丁语 “post hoe,ergo propter hoc”,意为 在这个之后发生,所以是因为这个” 。如果这样 推理:“因为A先于B,所以A引起B”,那么,就会发生这种谬误。 619、Potential GDP潜在GDP高就业的GDP,或更精确地说,在既定的技术 状况和人口规模条件下可以达到的且不致加速 通货膨胀的...