For these individuals increasing the time they spent on their leisure activity was related to a decrease in their work-related self-efficacy when they were highly serious about their activity. Individuals with this profile of leisure and work may need to take extra care to avoid conflict between...
Our study hypothesized that students in the two exercise groups would show positive changes in perceived stress and anxiety over the course of the semester. Students’ participation in team sports would lead to a greater decrease in stress and anxiety compared to the strength and conditioning. The...
The levels of activity of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, isocitric dehydrogenase, glutathione reductase, lactic dehydrogenase, and α -glycerophosphate dehydrogenase have been studied in the gastrocnemius muscle of mice with "dystrophia muscularis." The activity of enzymes requiring triphosphopyridine nu...
Nevertheless, given that the daily schedules of individuals consist of sleep, sedentary, and active activities, any increase in one time segment results in a decrease in another. As a result, the isotemporal substitution model (ISM) was introduced as a relatively ideal approach to investigate the...
extra than of students obtained decrease than 7 hours of sleep at night time with inside the direction of a popular college a length of seven days and almost they all spend a lot that that series of sleep hours at the night time in advance of an exam, approximately 81.7%. Nearly, 47%...
participants engage in different positive activities to meet the particular challenges in flexible work designs (FWD) such as remote work or mobile work. In line with the PAM, we expected the intervention to decrease emotional exhaustion and increase satisfaction with work-life balance via increases ...
Moreover, under increasing abiotic stress, functional diversity of plant communities may decrease which can have crucial effects on community-level responses and eventually ecosystem functioning and services.doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107759Fatih Fazlioglu...
Apart from these activities, it has also been reported to have anti-hyperglycemic effects. This was evident by the ability of its methanolic extracts16 to significantly decrease blood glucose levels among streptozotocin-induced diabetic test rats. Another study showed that the ethanolic leaves extract ...
Weather conditions were also significant factors explaining variation in stress levels; accumulated rainfall and an increase in ambient temperatures during the coldest months were associated with a decrease in stress hormone levels. No differences in hormonal concentrations were found between males and ...
The STZ-NIC induced diabetic rats showed a significant increase in HbA1c and decrease in hemoglobin levels when compared with group I. The oral administration of HALEC and GBN exhibited a significant decrease in HbA1c concentration and significantly raised concentration of haemoglobin when matched to...