Beta diversity can be used to intuitively compare the structure of microbe communities and analyze the differences in microbe communities between groups. PCoA analysis based on ASV level (Fig. 5C) showed that ALD mice were far separated from the control mice, showing vast distinct microbial structur...
and as of yet, we have been unable to administer most drug molecules in effective therapeutic doses. To overcome the hindrances of the BBB, researchers have begun exploring novel pathways for drug delivery, such as the nasal-brain transport approach [151]. The intranasal drug delivery...
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Fig. 1: Enhanced root nodule symbiosis incngc15aGOFandcngc15cGOFmutants. a, Schematic representation of CNGC15a and CNGC15c, including the calmodulin-binding domain (IQ), the six transmembrane helices S1–S6 and the N-terminal domain. The arrowheads indicate the position of the amino acid subs...
NameGenotypeNotesOrigin CEN.PK113-5D MATa; ura3-52; MAL2-8C; SUC2 Haploid MATa lab strain Euroscarf PSP01 CEN.PK113-5D, bar1::phleo BAR1 gene deleted This study PSP02 CEN.PK113-5D, bar1::phleo, fus1::KanMX BAR1 and FUS1 deleted This study PSP03 CEN.PK113-5D, bar1::phle...
Cell Host Microbe 19, 720–730 (2016). Article CAS Google Scholar Hutnick, N. A. et al. Intradermal DNA vaccination enhanced by low-current electroporation improves antigen expression and induces robust cellular and humoral immune responses. Hum. Gene Ther. 23, 943–950 (2012). Article CAS...
Author notes Authors and Affiliations Steacie Institute for Molecular Sciences, National Research Council Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, K1A 0R6, Canada Ragunath Singaravelu, David R Blais, Craig S McKay & John Paul Pezacki Department of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, University of Ottawa, ...
and the activites of various enzymes. These influences modulate key processes such as metabolism, environmental information processing, transport, and catabolism. Consequently, these modulated processes impact the plant’s genetic information processing and environmental adaptation, ultimately affecting its growt...
Versions Notes Abstract Active packaging has played a significant role in consumers’ health and green environment over the years. Synthetic polymers, such as poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene, poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC), polycarbonate (PC), pol...
Versions Notes Abstract Ferroptosis is an emerging type of regulated cell death usually accompanied by the accumulation of ferrous ions (Fe2+) and lipid peroxides. As the metabolic hub of the body, the liver is crucial for iron storage and lipid metabolism. The liver seems to be closely relat...