Active & Passive Voice Online Test - This Active & Passive Voice Online Test simulates a real online certification exams. You will be presented Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) based on Active & Passive Voice Concepts, where you will be given four option
Active and Passive Voice If you grew up attending American schools, at some point you probably received the advice to “write in the active voice.” Although English instructors tend to hold passive-voice statements in lesser esteem, many English speakers (including college graduates) still often ...
People will need more public transport in the near future. (Convert to Passive) More public transport will be needed in the near future. You should not replace the roof at the beginning of winter. (Convert to Passive) The roof should not be replaced at the beginning of winter.關於...
Tried and tested passive voice activities for the EFL classroom. Online Passive Voice Exercises and Activities You can findonline passive voice exercises and activitiesat our online-focused Conspiracy Theory Match This conspiracy theory activitymay not be appropriate in every context, ...
With this worksheet, students are given sentences that may be written in either active or passive voice. They will identify the active voice sentences and rewrite the passive ones to be active. 5th through 8th Grades Change Passive to Active Voice Sentences This worksheet has 10 passive-voice se...
Use the active voice whenever you can because it conveys more energy than the passive voice and results in more concise writing. Use the passive voice when you don't know who is taking the action (actor), when you don't want to name the actor, or when you want to emphasize the person...
Passive: A househas been builtby them. Active: Hehas brokenmy window. Passive: My windowhas been brokenby him. Active: Ihave placedan order for a digital camera. Passive: An order for a digital camerahas been placedby me. Active: Shehas doneher work. ...
Lessons and Ideas Stop writing in the passive voice, and use strong verbs to make your sentences jump! Knowing the difference between active and passive voice can change the quality and strength of writing. This lesson teaches the definitions of active and passive voice, and lets students to pr...
Active voice denotes that a phrase has a subject that operates upon its verb. When you use the passive voice, you're implying that the subject is the one doing the receiving
Today’s topic is active voice versus passive voice. Here’s a question from Brian in Iowa. He writes, “It drives me crazy when people write in passive voice. How can I teach people how to tell the difference between passive and active voice and to stay away from passive voice?” Wel...