Meaning and usage - Noun, verb, adjective, preposition and... read more English Tenses Tenses guide about correct structure of sentence according to verb.. read more Active and Passive Voice An action of a subject is expressed in relation to object in two more Direct...
Active and Passive Voice Synonyms and Antonyms Para Completion Spelling Test Joining Sentences Sentence Completion Idioms and Phrases Sentence Improvement Fill in the blanks Error Correction (Phrase in Bold) Error Correction (Underlined Part) Reasoning Ability Arithmetical Number Series Similarities & Differ...
•Gradingstandards:Thewritingwillbeassessedbasedontheabovecriteria,aswellastheoverallqualityofthework,includingcreativity,originality,andtheabilitytoexpressideaseffectively.Commonproblemsandsolutionsinwriting Lackofstructure:Somestudentsmayfinditdifficulttoorganizetheirideaseffectively,leadingtoadisorganizedandconfusingwriting...
with passive voice, “A great deal of information concerning the characteristics of materials may be obtained from a standard tension test”, one of the option is to translate it into “有关材料特性的许多数据是可以通过标准拉伸试验得到的”. The strategy used here is translating into active ...
Worksheets that motivate students. Worksheets that save paper, ink and time. Advertise hereHome > tests worksheets > Passive Voice + have sth done - TESTPassive Voice + have sth done - TEST Test on passive voice + have sth doneLevel:intermediate Age: 14-17 Downloads:10 ...
12.Active & Passive Voice | Definition, Usage & Examples Lesson & Quiz Video Only 13.Parallel Sentence | Structure & Examples Lesson & Quiz Video Only 14.Deep & Surface Structure in Linguistics | Definition & Examples Lesson & Quiz Video Only ...
The text suggests that a breakthrough from Aquaflow agreed to undertake a pilot (or experience) to extract algae from the settling ponds and remove the main contaminant to use as a fuel feedstock. Notice the paraphrase from active voice in the text to passive voice in Q9. Answer: contaminant...
Reasonablyallocatetimeandfocusonefficiency Allocatetime Divideyourstudytimeintomanageablechunks,suchas30minutesforreading,20minutesforwriting,etc Practiceefficiency Usepracticematerialsthataresimilartotheactualexamformat,suchasofficialexamguidesormockquestions.Takebreaks Allowtimeforbreaksbetweenstudysessionstopreventburnout...
For example, I use Claude a lot and can easily tell if articles or YouTube video scripts are generated using it. Claude tends to use passive voice more than active voice. If you ask them to write more concisely, they generate unnatural (albeit grammatically correct) 2-3 word sentences or...
Note that the active voice in the text is changed to passive voice in Q40. It is clear that fishermen probably (or may have) used dried squash as flotation devices (devices used to support floating), meaning that dried squash may have been used to aid flotation. Answer: flotation Previous...