Action researchAction Research as a form of systematic inquiry has always been used as a tool in improving contextualized educational practice. In the Philippines, the most recent teacher educationTeacher Education curriculum specifies action research as the type of...Jugar, Richard...
The key norm of good science is research integrity, which includes the freedom to inquire as an independent, self-organising system, and the responsibility to identify, frame, and engage in the problems of society, in a scientific manner. This paper investigates the challenges to scientific integr...
The Philippines (p. 4) and Indonesia (p. 19) mention “bilateral, regional, and multilateral/international cooperation” to implement the NDCs. Nigeria (p. 36) discusses research partnerships, and the need to “cooperate effectively with national partners” (Egypt, p. 29), highlighting “a ...
Action research is deemed an important process in successful teaching. In fact, basic education teachers in the Philippines are encouraged, if not required, to do periodic action studies to improve the teaching and learning process in the classroom. It has been observed, however, thatin-service ...
Philippines English Singapore English South Korea 한국어(대한민국)—English Thailand English Middle East Kuwait English Oman English Qatar English Saudi Arabia English United Arab Emirates English Oceania Australia English New Zealand
(also known as the Yellow Revolution) in the Philippines, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, the Denim Revolution in Belarus, the Green Revolution in Iran, among many others. The use of...
The major sources of China mainland's import of semiconductor are China’s Taiwan, Korea, Japan, U.S., Malaysia, the Philippines and Vietnam. Another report by SEMI in last December shows that China has become the largest market for global semiconductor equipment in the world in 2020. China...
The conference featured the participation of a number of formerly conjoined twins who underwent separation through the Saudi Conjoined Twins Programme. Among them were formerly conjoined sistersPrincess Anne ManzoandPrincess May ManzoofP...
This study explores socioecological factors facilitating the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) experiences of migrant and refugee youth (MRY) in Greater Western Sydney, Australia. MRY may be at higher risk for poorer SRH outcomes due to cu
, Status of climate change adaptation in Asia and the Pacific. Switzerland: Springer. (in press). Google Scholar Ahmed, M., & Suphachalasai, S. (2014). Assessing the costs of climate change and adaptation in South Asia. Mandaluyong City, Philippines: Asian Development Bank. Google Scholar...