ENGLISH language educationPRE-tests & post-testsEDUCATIONAL planningQUANTITATIVE researchEnglish literacy is cited to improve a person's life and the economy. Yet, Filipino learners are challenged in this subject. According to Tomas et al. (2021), the Philippines was one...
In this respect the university has a monopoly in controlling the access to the production of science. On the basis of this double function – first, controlling the education of every contributor to scientific publications, second, being the place where most of the significant scientific publications...
Action research is deemed an important process in successful teaching. In fact, basic education teachers in the Philippines are encouraged, if not required, to do periodic action studies to improve the teaching and learning process in the classroom. It has been observed, however, thatin-service ...
In Australia, the homogeneity of SRH education across different regions adds to these complexities. In Greater Western Sydney, where this study is focused, MRY constitute a significant proportion of the population [10]. Studies highlight the inconsistencies in educational content and social pressures a...
Education should be built into marketing, product pages, and other customer touchpoints, especially if your product costs more than comparable items. “Sustainability is not the most accessible or inclusive conversation,” says Sam. “We have to have very open, vulnerable, and educational discussions...
A deadly explosion in the Philippines was linked to careless NBI agents smoking near a bucketful of dynamite powder. Remnants of hand grenades, bullets, and weapons were scattered far and wide... 'King Louis III' Love History: 1140 Years Ago... ...
The nation’s top public health agency is losing most of the scientists in a prestigious, but lesser-known, laboratory program that has become a mainstay of outbreak responses Associated PressFeb. 18, 2025 Sweeping Restrictions on Semiautomatic Firearms Move Forward in Colorado ...
(also known as the Yellow Revolution) in the Philippines, the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia, the Rose Revolution in Georgia, the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine, the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon, the Denim Revolution in Belarus, the Green Revolution in Iran, among many others. The use of...
The promise of innovation in humanitarian contexts has generated an expanding literature, from academics as well as practitioners. However, the field has become characterised by conceptual ambiguity and insular approaches, inhibiting the integration of f
Such a regression toward intense pesticide use may be avoided where farmers are offered alternatives to pesticides, particularly where these alternatives are accompanied by education campaigns. In such cases, farmers’ fears are abated through narratives around the natural regulation of pests, but also ...