Secondary information includes academic citations and working papers, NGO reports, news articles, legal documents such as federal public comments, websites of asset owner networks, podcasts, and interviews with asset owners in the public domain. We relied on secondary information to contextualize ...
The admissibility of actions by NGOs On the other hand, from a procedural perspective, it bears noting that the provision of Art. 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code, on which the NGOs Urgenda and now also Milieudefensie could base their standing to sue, has no equivalent in German law.Footn...
Collaboration among government, NGOs, and private entities enhances resilience to climate-related severe events. Indicators include: Government preparedness (mitigation project spendings, disaster aid experience), community preparedness (local disaster training, accident planning), and personal preparedness (in...
To efficiently extract and integrate these features, we propose an efficient spatio-temporal module (ESTM) with three pathways dedicated to extracting spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal features. Each pathway uses the Cross Global Average Pooling (CGAP) module to compress the current dimension, ...
A vision of the Women for Women International NGO, founded in 1993, this project not only aimed to restore the integrity of women recovering from the country’s horrific civil war, but also looked to provide a continuing source of employment for them to rebuild their lives. We can no ...
来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 2 摘要: Leading up to 13 October, International Day for Disaster Reduction 2013, CBM celebrates disability inclusive practices from around the world DOI: ...
Qiu, Z., Yao, T., Ngo, C.W., Tian, X., & Mei, T. (2019). Learning spatio-temporal representation with local and global diffusion. In: Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition, pp. 12056–12065. Rajko, S., Qian, G., Ingalls, T., & James,...
In interviews, the six cooperation mechanisms offered structured pathways for enabling and strengthening VCPs.doi:10.1016/j.clrc.2021.100023William NikolakisGunnlaugur GujónssonCleaner and Responsible Consumption
Climate change directly and indirectly threatens sustainable development through multiple interlinked pathways. These threats influence the SDG targets, and hence limit their attainability. Within the 17 SDGs, climate change is explicitly covered and addressed under Goal 13 “Climate Action”. However, ‘...
(UNDP’s) India Accelerator Lab, is an example of this in action. The spatiotemporal mapping of the brick kilns underpins a mobile app that guides NGOs and intragovernmental organisations in India; to aid their understanding of the scale and location of the industry and therefore their action ...