Revans教授用公式L = P + Q来描述行动学习法,这里L代表知识(Learning),P代表系统化程序化(Programmed),Q代表提问、质疑(Questioning),亦即真知灼见来源于对系统化知识的深度辨析。 行动学习法的实际运用。 应用 阐述复杂的、棘手的难题。 寻找从根源上解决问题的办法。 确立战略性的指导方案,发掘尽可能多的机会。
Action learning – a process which supports organisational change initiatives. Action Learning. Research and Practice , 9 (1), 29–36.Joyce, P. 2012. "Action Learning - A Process Which Supports Organisational Change Initiatives." Action Learning: Research and Practice 9 (1): 29-36. doi:...
Action Learning A Powerful New Tool for Developing Leaders, Solving Problems, Building Teams and Transforming Organizations 行动学习 发展领导、解决问题、建设团队、改造组织的有 力新工具 What is Action Learning? A process that involves a small group working on real problems, taking action, and ...
Fresh Perspective on Action Learning 热度: Action Research to Improve Teaching and Learning 热度: Knowledge Solutions November2008|19 Actionlearningis astructuredmethod thatenables smallgroupsto workregularly andcollectively oncomplicated problems,takeaction, ...
Answering these questions will inform the design process and help define the type of skills necessary for the activity. Not all self-regulation learning activities will have each of the levels. However, over time, educators should aim to include learning activities at all the levels. If the...
(Appendix 1) -the design, format and requirements of the course-work element of the overall assessment process for the module (Discussion point 1 and Appendix 2) -a brief reflection and evaluation of the learning process (Discussion point 2) -some indication of a typical profile of students ...
Function Optimization via a Continuous Action-Set Reinforcement Learning Automata Model Learning automata as a tool for machine learning, could search the optimal state adaptively in random environment. Function optimization is a fundamental i... G Ying,G Hao,F Wang,... - Springer Berlin Heidelberg...
Focus on planning for the next month or term and set a goal to incorporate opportunities for learners to use ICT in their learning. Though learners may already have experience using ICT, they'll need specific guidance to use it in dynamic ways that transform learning. Think about learners and...
This is the official PyTorch implementation of the paper "Know Your Action Set: Learning Action Relations for Reinforcement Learning" (ICLR 2022). Problem Intelligent agents adapt task solutions based on how the given actions relate to each other. ...
Is the learning activity interdisciplinary? Set a goal to redesign your learning activity in such a way that learners will engage in knowledge construction to at least a code three on the rubric. To achieve this, learners must interpret, analyze, synthesize, or evaluate information or...