Action learning in higher education I Definition, context and set workL. BeatyD. JacquesI. McGill
public WorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionInner withCode(String code) Set the code property: The workflow scope repetition code. Parameters: code - the code value to set. Returns: the WorkflowRunActionRepetitionDefinitionInner object itself.with...
AgentArtifactDefinition AgentArtifactType AgentBasedDeployPhase AgentChangeEvent AgentDeploymentInput AgentJobRequestMessage AgentPoolEvent AgentPoolQueue AgentPoolQueueReference AgentPoolQueueReference AgentPoolQueueTarget AgentQueueEvent AgentQueuesEvent AgentRefreshMessage AgentSpecification AgentSpecification AgentStatus...
Machine Learning Maintenance Managed Applications Managed Network Fabric Managed Service Identity Maps MariaDB Marketplace Ordering Media Services Metrics Advisor Mixed Reality Mobile Network Mongo Cluster Monitor MySQL NetApp Files Network Network Analytics New Relic Observability Nginx Notification Hubs Operator...
Segment-CNN (S-CNN) is a segment-based deep learning framework for temporal action localization in untrimmed long videos. This code has been tested on Ubuntu 14.04 with NVIDIA GTX 980 of 4GB memory for models based on C3D-v1.0 and tested with NVIDIA Titan X GPU of 12GB memory for models...
Reinforcement learning (RL) approaches that combine a tree search with deep learning have found remarkable success in searching exorbitantly large, albeit discrete action spaces, as in chess, Shogi and Go. Many real-world materials discovery and design applications, however, involve multi-dimensional ...
We next tested whether the encoding of sensory evidence outside the visual system is intrinsic to the brain regions themselves or a result of learning the relevant stimulus–reward associations. We recorded neural activity in untrained mice (6,215 units, 45 sessions, 6 mice) that had been expos...
(Hoxby2009; Kirp2004). At the other end of the prestige spectrum, schools with essentially open admissions have dramatically expanded their client base through online learning. In a business strategy echoing SITN, these latter-day edtech entrepreneurs rely on the web to exploit economies of scale...
DefinitionNamespace: PdfKit Assembly: Xamarin.iOS.dll A PDF action for visiting a URL.C# 複製 [Foundation.Register("PDFActionURL", true)] [ObjCRuntime.Introduced(ObjCRuntime.PlatformName.iOS, 11, 0, ObjCRuntime.PlatformArchitecture.All, null)] public class PdfActionUrl : PdfKit.Pdf...