Actigraphy Data AnalysisWilliam ShannonTao LiHong XianJia WangElena DeychCarlos Gonzalez
Measuring the impact of apnea and obesity on circadian activity patterns using functional linear modeling of actigraphy data 24 hours, total sleep time), Functional Data Analysis (FDA) is a novel statistical framework that more efficiently analyzes information from actigraphy data... W Jia,H Xian,...
(2021) pyActigraphy: Open-source python package for actigraphy data visualization and analysis. PLoS Comput Biol 17(10): e1009514. pyLight In the context of the Daylight Academy Project, The role of daylight for humans and thanks to the support ...
Circadian rhythm and epilepsy: a nationally representative cross-sectional study based on actigraphy data doi:10.3389/fneur.2024.1496507NATIONAL Health & Nutrition Examination SurveyLOGISTIC regression analysisCIRCADIAN rhythmsPEOPLE with epilepsyODDS ratioObjective: The study aims to assess the rel...
actverse is an R package that provides a complete toolkit to process, analyze and visualize actigraphy data in R. Its aim is to facilitate the work of sleep and chronobiology scientists with actigraphy data and help with research reproducibility....
To address this deficit, we developed a package for R Core Team [6], that allows computing several non-parametric measures from actigraphy data. Specifically, it computes the interdaily stability (IS), intradaily variability (IV) and relative amplitude (RA) of activity and gives the start ...
To address this deficit, we developed a package for R Core Team [6], that allows computing several non-parametric measures from actigraphy data. Specifically, it computes the interdaily stability (IS), intradaily variability (IV) and relative amplitude (RA) of activity and gives the start ...
The aim of this study was to describe a novel methodology using actigraphy data to describe specific activity-intensities potentially affected by surgery and patients with poor rehabilitation trajectories. Actigraphy data from 10 patients scheduled for primary unilateral TKA were recorded preoperatively and...
Methods: We investigate the daytime actigraphy data and identify temporal patterns of inactivity among adults with acute insomnia and healthy adults. Seven days of actigraphy data were utilised to calculate sedentary time and bouts of variable duration based on a threshold of activity counts (4) ...
real-time subjective scoring All the features of the Actiwatch Spectrum Plus with the addition of subjective scoring capabilities. This unique and valuable feature adds another dimension to your data collection efforts when studying parameters such as pain and fatigue. ...