wearable medical device Intelligence for effective evaluation of therapy and future patient care. DISCLAIMER The Philips Health band is not currently available in all geographies. Please check with your Philips representative or contact us for availability. ...
Findings demonstrate significant heterogeneity among a limited number of studies in terms of type of actigraph utilized, position of the device on the lower extremity, and methods employed to count PLMS. In general, common accelerometers vary in their sensitivity and specificity to detect PLMS, which...
This strategy offers to the patient the option of using one device or other according to his/her particular preferences. However this strategy requires a robust multi-sensor fusion methodology capable of taking maximum profit from all of the recorded information. With this aim, this study proposes...
Actigraphyinvolves the use of a portable device, the size of a large wristwatch, to record movement over time in the form of activity counts.1Adoption of the device in research was limited until its precision improved in the 1980s.2Actigraphyis a reliable and valid instrument to assess sleep...
For instance, in February 2021, the FDA authorized the marketing of a new prescription device to reduce snoring and mild obstructive sleep apnea in the United States. The eXciteOSA, developed by Signifier Medical Technologies, is the first device that uses neuromuscular stimulation therapy o...
Participants wore an actigraph device day and night for seven consecutive days. Materials also included a parent-completed sleep diary to measure bedtime, duration of nighttime sleep, and daytime sleep, and the Child Sleep Habit's Questionnaire (CSHQ). The means for the sample as measured by ...
Axivity: AX3, device used by UK Biobank, Activinsights: GENEActiv, used by the Whitehall II study. NEW read light exposure data recorded by the aforementioned devices (when available) clean the raw data and mask spurious periods of inactivity produce activity profile plots visualize sleep agendas ...
each other in children with cerebral palsy (CP).Methods: Sleep of children with CP, classified at Gross Motor Function Classification System levels I-III, was measured during 7 consecutive nights using 1 subjective (ie, sleep diary) and 2 device-based (ie, actigraphy and bed sensor) ...
(3) An actigraphy device can collect data in a non-invasive way and for a long time, facilitating data collection of 24h circadian disruptions in shift workers (Cheng et al., 2021). Moreover, actigraphy measures are in good concordance with in-lab DLMO (Cheng et al., 2021) and polysom...
Evaluation of a consumer fitness-tracking device to assess sleep in adults Wearable fitness-tracker devices are becoming increasingly available. We evaluated the agreement between Jawbone UP and polysomnography (PSG) in assessing ... MD Zambotti,S Claudatos,S Inkelis,... - 《Chronobiology Internation...