the Triumph of Democratic LibertiesNDPNational Democratic PartyOASOrganisation de l’Armée secrète/Secret Army OrganizationOERAOriginal Education and Religious Affairs (Ministry)ONEMOrganisation nationale des enfants de moudjahidines/National Organization for the Children of MujahidinONMOrganisation nationale ...
Examples:NFL,NASA,PSP,HIPAA,randomWord(s) in meaning:chat"global warming"Postal codes: USA:81657, Canada:T5A 0A7 With more than 1,000,000 human-edited definitions, Acronym Finder is the world's largest and most comprehensive dictionary of acronyms, abbreviations, and initialisms. Combined with...
Backronyms feature strongly in the acronyms created from aviation and airlines and automotive and car make names, and in corporate name backronyms such as DIAGEO, and more recently AIG. The bacronym or reverse acronym device is not new, as seen in the old GWR interpretation. Two notable and...
WL Warning Letter (most serious FDA postaudit letter, demands immediate action within 15 days) WR written request WRAIR Walter Reed Army Institute of Research (DoD) WTO World Trade Organization WWW World Wide Web XML eXtensible Markup Language Articles...
UDC University of the District of Columbia UHV Ultrahigh Vacuum UK (U.K.) United Kingdom UPS Ultraviolet Photoelectron Spectroscopy URL Uniform Resource Locator US United States USA United States of America USAIDR U.S. Army Institute of Dental Research USCEA U.S. Council for Energy Awareness US...
the German high command dur-ing World War II and reproduced by the British GC&CS tobreak German coded traffic.FBIFederal Bureau of InvestigationG-2U.S. Army military intelligenceGC&CSGovernment Code & Cipher School. British. Renamed GCHQin 1944.GCHQGovernment Communications Headquarters. British....
APO Army Post Office™ APPS Automated Package Processing System APS Adjustment Processing System APWU American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO AQRT Address Quality Reporting Tool ARM accelerated reply mail ASC accounting service center ASC exclusion period Adjusted Service Commitment exclusion peri...
WORD OF THE DAY ADD LINGO TIPS Top 50 SHOP MFICMother F***er In Charge Originally late 1960's army speak, it is online jargon, also known as text message shorthand, used in texting, online chat, instant messaging, email, blogs, and newsgroup postings, these types of abbreviations...
27. MBO:ManagementbyObjectivesaims to align employees’ objectives with the organization’s wider strategic goals. 28. VUCA: First coined by the U.S. Army College, this term describes the unfamiliar global environment post-9/11. It is used in the business world to reflect the turbulent forces...
Don’t say “chopper” unless you’re hanging out with the Army. High PRF Extremely excitable (PRF is a radar term: pulse repetition frequency). High Warble Unduly agitated. Hinge Head Slang term for O-4s (LCDR). Legend has it that whenever a lieutenant makes lieutenant commander, he...