List of AcronymsActors, MajorTaliban, LocalTaliban, PunjabiArmy, Balochistan LiberationArmy, Baloch RepublicanFront, Balochistan LiberationArmy, United BalochArmy, Sindhudesh LiberationActors, NewLandscape, Security
of West African States EU European Union FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations FAW fall armyworm GHGs greenhouse gases GHI Global Hunger Index GMOs genetically modified organisms GPS global positioning system HGSF Home Grown School Feeding IFPRI International Food Policy Research ...
APO Army Post Office™ APPS Automated Package Processing System APS Adjustment Processing System APWU American Postal Workers Union, AFL-CIO AQRT Address Quality Reporting Tool ARM accelerated reply mail ASC accounting service center ASC exclusion period Adjusted Service Commitment exclusion peri...
of Human RightsESC rightseconomic, social, and cultural rightsESGenvironmental, social, and governance goalsETOsextraterritorial obligationsEx-ESMA[former]Escuela Superior de Mecánica de la Armada(NavalMechanics School) (Argentina)EZLNEjército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional[Zapatista Army forNational ...
Joint Chiefs,Joint Chiefs of Staff- the executive agency that advises the President on military questions; composed of the chiefs of the United States Army and the United States Navy and the United States Air Force and the commandant of the United States Marine Corps ...
Here’s an example of a great resume summary for a military police officer: Notice how the veteran details their experience in the army (8+ years of experience leading, managing, and training a team of 60+ police personnel), and expertise (delegating and managing base security, conducting sea...
APLArmy Promotion List APLAnterior Pituitary-Like APLAssociated Pathologists Laboratories APLAutomatic Programming Language APLAssociation de Promotion du Logement(French: Association for the Promotion of Housing; Belgium) APLAverage Power Laser APLAutomatic Parts Loader ...
Using new technologies, such as 3D printing, can improve the agility of Army sustainment your authorized stockage list (ASL) as soon as possible. Depot removes and replaces Only one of the four line companies had Class IX parts that supported the equipment on its shop stock listing, and ... is right now the leading SMM provider with high-quality services. We strive to deliver non-DROP results for all of our services with a lifetime guarantee on the quality of them, join our UFO army and start growing your social media profiles like never before. Be seen by thousa...
AMLAssociation des Maires du Loiret(French: Association of Mayors of Loiret; Loiret, France) AMLASN.1 Markup Language AMLAcademia Medicinae Latviensis(Latvia) AMLAutomated Mixed-media Library AMLArmy Medical Laboratory AMLAnterior MidLine(front part of the body divided by an imaginary line through it...