测试我们用ACR122U读卡器配套的工具(ACR122UTool,可在官网下载,下面资源包中也有)就行,该工具可以发送十六进制命令,然后会显示出响应的十六进制格式的字符串,这个字符串是TLV格式的,直接看看不懂...APUD指令学习--SELECT命令 APDU常用指令GSM和USIM 常用APDU指令错误码 JRT0025.5-2018 中国金融集成电路(IC)卡规范 ...
Website: Email: 3 1.1 Typical lications3 2.0 Installation Guide 4 2.1 Connecting the Device 4 2.2 Installation of SDK Components 6 3.0 SDK Components10 3.1 Sample Codes 10 3.2 ACR122U Tool 10 3.3 ACR122U EasyKey11 3.4 ACS Quick iew11 v 3.5 List of User Manua nd Reference M...
Its compatibility with a wide range of operating systems, including Windows, Mac, and Linux, makes it a versatile tool for developers and users alike. Whether you're looking to secure your personal identity or manage access control for a large-scale system, the ACR122U NFC Reader is an ...
龙杰Acr122U读写器读写软件,支持ACR122U读写器,可以在Windows所有系统运行,可以读写卡、修改卡内数据、更改卡密码,操作方便简单易用。免费升级,现在最新版V1.9版 上传者:henan371时间:2017-12-26 ACR122U读写器-工具 ACR122U集合多种工具合集 上传者:qq_17173743时间:2023-11-08 ...
ACR122U Tool Tool acr122u driver nfc direct tool 上传者:weixin_42651748时间:2022-07-14 Acr122U最全工具包 内含多个工具 使用默认密钥读取 如果卡用默认密钥加密的话 直接可以读出数据 然后把数据保存为key.bump OR:用mfcuk+mfoc进行跑码,时间相对长一...
Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud...
The included SDK CD allows for easy customization and integration, making it a versatile tool for developers and businesses alike. In summary, the USB ACR122U-A9 NFC Reader Writer Duplicator is a robust and versatile solution for secure communication and access control. Its extensive compatibility ...
开发环境 Qt Creator 5.14.1 硬件设备:ACR122U NFC读卡器 M1卡 系统:windows10 专业版 开发方式:PS/SC winscard.h/winscard.lib/winscard.dll 编程水平:初级 新手入门 主要函数:加载读卡器、连接M1卡片,授权、写卡、读卡,ACR122u蜂鸣器 相关文档:API-ACR122U-CN-2.04.pdf winscard.h 函数简介参考: https://...