Windows® Win CE 5.0 and 6.0 Linux® Mac OS® Android™ 3.1 and above Release DateDriversOS SupportVersionFile SizeNotes USB Interface 31-Dec-1969PC/SC Driver Installer 31-Dec-1969PC/SC Drivers USB Interface 31-Dec-1969PC/SC Driver Installer ...
When you see the ACS Smart Card Reader Driver Installation Wizard window, click on Install. To check the driver version or read installation tips, click on the note icon (located at the left of the buttons) to view Readme File. 3. When prompted whether you want to install the drivers, ...
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CD-Rom included (Instruction Manual, Driver, Demo, SDK, etc.) acr122u SDK SOFTWARE: ID READER/WRITER SOFTWARE Applications: 1.The bank on the net and online shopping 2.Electronic business e 3.Electronic wallet balance query 4.Network access 5.Customer integral preferential 6.Identity authentic...
acr122u driver nfc direct tool 上传者:weixin_42651748时间:2022-07-14 Acr122U最全工具包 内含多个工具 使用默认密钥读取 如果卡用默认密钥加密的话 直接可以读出数据 然后把数据保存为key.bump OR:用mfcuk+mfoc进行跑码,时间相对长一些 上传者:z511737913时间:2020-06-26...
acr122u driver nfc direct tool 上传者:weixin_42651748时间:2022-07-14 做android NFC开发时,用到这个卡模拟设备,时间比较久远了,希望对各位朋友有用。 上传者:m0_37626922时间:2020-03-29 ACR122U中文开发文档.rar_acr122 开发_acr122u_acr122u java_acr122u开发教程_co ...
ACR122U-A9 SDK+全套软件 软件是在淘宝上买的,内容是SDK全套软件+读写解密软件,软件全中文版亲测可用。 上传者:qq_17556735时间:2021-04-06 ACR122U_Driver_Lnx_MAC10.56_101_P 上传者:hklkf时间:2012-11-09...
ACR122U 的驱动 ACR38/100/122 Driver Installer 64位,之前老驱动只有32位,这个是32位,64位最新通用的版本。 上传者:oqqBiAn123456时间:2023-03-20 ACS-Unified-MSI-4261-2-.zip开发工具包,BS架构下的开发 上传者:unlixk时间:2018-01-11 ...
上传者:qq_17173743时间:2023-11-18 ACR122U Tool Tool acr122u driver nfc direct tool 上传者:weixin_42651748时间:2022-07-14 ACR122 CUID-IC读写软件,亲测可用 ACR122 CUID-IC读写软件,亲测可用 ...