Depending on the situation you may want to end a combo with OTGP Phantom Skull, which will remove the guaranteed safe summon S Beast, but curse your opponent. This can be a good tool against characters with strong reversal options who you want to lock down in neutral with the curse, like...
德国Kowotest CR模体,Kowotest CR Phantom,CR校准模体 德国Kowotest DR phantom,Kowotest 5槽楔形,Kowotest DR校准模型 QRM-MicroCT-Barpattern-NANO微CT测试模体,MicroCT-Barpattern-NANO卡 ATS 700-D多普勒流量控制系统,ATS 700-D超声多普勒流量控制器,ATS 700-D泵送系统 ...
PC-CMR measures of blood flow agree strongly with those obtained in phantom models as well as by both noninvasive and other accepted invasive techniques (42, 43). Conventional PC magnetic resonance (MR) usually encodes the velocity in a single direction. More recently developed tridirectional PC...