The CT ACR 464 Phantom is made of the proven Original Solid Water® Zero HU formulation, with modules that support a variety of tests, and the capability to extend and work with other phantoms. ModularityFour included modules support testing for: Positioning and alignment, CT number accuracy ...
Since 2002 Portal Medical Group has offered our ACR Phantom cradles to make your weekly ACR quality control scans as smooth as possible.
Methods: An ACR accreditation phantom (model 464, Gammex-RMI, Middleton, WI) was scanned with Siemens Biograph mCT PET/CT scanner. CT scanning parameters were as routine PET/CT scan with various mAs (140, 120, 100, 80, 60, 40 and 20 mAs). Images were reconstructed with both FBP and ...
型号:CT ACR 464 Phantom 类别:医疗质控 品牌:美国Sunnuclear 销售热线:010-53326395,82067780 美国Sunnuclear CT ACR 464 Phantom 多模态CT认证 • 唯一需要满足美国放射学院(ACR)认证指南的模体 • 多功能性允许检查多个参数,有效 CT ACR 464幻影可以进行全面的测试,包括定位和对准精度,CT数精度,切片厚度,低对...
head phantom under clinically representative scan conditions in three widely used computed tomography (CT) scanners, and to relate those dose values to metrics such as high-contrast resolution, noise, and contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) in the American College of Radiology CT accreditation phantom. ...
型号:ACR MRI phantom规格:203.2毫米*173.40毫米 商标:美国ACR包装:箱子 203.2毫米*173.40毫米:8 “ACR MRI质控模体”详细介绍 美国ACR MRI模体,ACR MRI质控模体详细介绍: 美国ACR MRI模体是一个直径为8“(203.2毫米)的圆柱体,高度为6.82英寸(173.40毫米),内有各种固定装置,包括网格,圆柱体和其他感兴趣的部分。
A statistical-based automatic detection of a low-contrast object in the ACR CT phantom for measuring contrast-to-noise ratio of CT images Purpose . This study aimed to develop a new method for automated contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) measurement using the low-contrast object in the ACR compute...
According to ACR Nuclear Medicine Accreditation Program-PET Module, we generated the 2.5 concentration ratio and selected patient dose 10 mCi protocol to fill the phantom. The dose of 18F-FDG was diluted to the same concentration as the protocol, and the phantom scan was obtained 1 hour after ...
GAMMEX 464 为美国ACR机构提供设计,它做为CT制造商、个人评估、影像质量、以及质量保证方面的一个主动的工程项目。该模体可应于QA评估、CT月检测试,以保证病人接受最低剂量的辐射。 GAMMEX 464是美国ACR机构唯一指定的CT模体。 GAMMEX 464优势: ACR唯一指定使用的CT模体。
Lastly, the edge of the phantom was removed and the center of the air‐only region is subsequently detected. A similar procedure was used to identify the center of the "bone" region. Results: To assess the algorithm, the CTimage from Module 1 of the ACR CT phantom was computationally ...