目前,大会的所有被接收论文已经最终公布,具体如下: 主会Long papers: ACL-IJCNLP 2021Short papers: ACL-IJCNLP 20212. Findings of ACL Long papers: ACL-IJCNLP 2021Short papers: ACL-IJCNLP 2021又可以开始…
The Meituan technical team has a total of 7 papers (including 6 long essays and 1 short essay) accepted by ACL 2021. These papers are Meituan’s work on event extraction, entity recognition, intent recognition, new slot discovery, unsupervised sentence representation, and semantics. Some technol...
Papers should be submitted to one of the ARR 2023 submission sites. Final versions of accepted papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages for long papers, up to 5 pages for short papers) to address reviewers’ comments. 要进ACL2024投稿交流群的,公众号【轻松参会】后...
美团技术团队共有7篇论文(其中6篇长文,1篇短文)被ACL 2021接收,这些论文是美团在事件抽取、实体识别、意图识别、新槽位发现、无监督句子表示、语义解析、文档检索等自然语言处理任务上的一些技术沉淀和应用。 针对于事件抽取,我们显示地利用周边实体的语义级别的论元角色信息,提出了一个双向实体级解码器(BERD)来逐步...
All accepted papers must be presented at the conference to appear in the proceedings. The conference will include both in-person and virtual presentation options. Papers without at least one presenting author registered by the early registration deadline may be subject to desk rejection. Long and ...
papers before you submit to a conference. (We highly recommend running ACL pubcheck on your paperspre-submission—a well formatted paper helps keep the reviewers focused on the scientific content.) However, its main purpose is to ensure your accepted paper is properly formatted, i.e., it ...
some of the presentations at the conference will be of papers accepted by the Transactions of the ACL (TACL) and by the Computational Linguistics (CL) journals. Papers submitted to ACL 2025, but not selected for the main conference, will also automatically be considered for publication in the ...
Jun 1, 2021 View all files This repo provides the code and resources of the following papers: GAR "Generation-Augmented Retrieval for Open-domain Question Answering", ACL 2021 TLDR: GAR augments a question with relevant contexts generated by seq2seq learning, with the question as input and tar...
(statistics in 2013-2018) UNITED STATES ACL membership density CHINA GERMANY UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN REPUBLIC OF KOREA AUSTRALIA FRANCE INDIA BELGIUM Imbalance of accepted papers over countries/regions Based on ACL full papers (2009-2019) Soaring growth of submission causes huge challenges to paper ...
CASE 2021 : Call for Papers and Shared Task Participation: Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text (CASE) @ ACL-IJCNLP 2021