Papers should be submitted to one of the ARR 2023 submission sites. Final versions of accepted papers will be given one additional page of content (up to 9 pages for long papers, up to 5 pages for short papers) to address reviewers’ comments. 要进ACL2024投稿交流群的,公众号【轻松参会】后... 本文对ACL/NAACL'22推荐系统相关论文进行梳理,有新任务新数据集,刷榜必备;有搞笑版:一石二鸟统一召回和排序模型;有多任务学习,有利用正负反馈信息去噪,有会话推荐和预训练语言模型。由于论文数量较少且方向分散,分类标注在单篇中,不再整体汇总。 1. 系列导读 20...
QA 论文速递 5月 17 日,ACL 2020 放出论文列表。 Accepted 本文将标题中包含 「Question Answering」 的论文整理如下,主题涉及数据集构建、视觉问答、预训练模型、QA 评估、对话系统、多项选择 QA、语料库、知识库 QA 等。 A Methodology for Creating Question Answering ...
The papers submitted directly through the Softconf START will have the “regular” review process: a paper is reviewed by 3 reviewers, and authors are invited to write an author response and revise their paper before the camera-ready deadline if the pap...
some of the presentations at the conference will be of papers accepted by the Transactions of the ACL (TACL) and by the Computational Linguistics (CL) journals. Papers submitted to ACL 2025, but not selected for the main conference, will also automatically be considered for publication in the ...
Statistics and accepted paper list of ACL 2020 with arXiv link, inspired by ICCV-2019-Paper-Statistics and EMNLP-2019-Papers.Contributing: Please feel free to make pull requests.ACL 2020 Acceptance RateACL 2020 Paper KeywordsAccepted Papers with arXiv Link...
Accepted papers will be presented orally or as posters and included in the workshop proceedings. Submissions are open to all, and are to be submitted anonymously. All papers will be refereed through a double-blind peer review process by at least three reviewers with final acceptance decisions mad...
papers before you submit to a conference. (We highly recommend running ACL pubcheck on your paperspre-submission—a well formatted paper helps keep the reviewers focused on the scientific content.) However, its main purpose is to ensure your accepted paper is properly formatted, i.e., it ...
summarization systems that have 1000 times more parameters. Both papers will be presented atACL2023. Chart de-rendering Plots and charts are usually generated by an underlying data table and a piece of code. The code defines the overall layout of the figure (e.g., type, direction, color/...
Psychological readiness is an important consideration for athletes and clinicians when making return to sport decisions following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). To improve our understanding of the extent of deficits in psychological re