The ACJ330neo offers an unbeatable combination of modern design and top end refinement to deliver more comfort, efficiency and nonstop to the world range.
“For customers, such as countries needing to fly heads of state and delegations worldwide on government business, the ACJ330neo offers an unbeatable combination of modern design, proven capability and productivity, as well as being part of the world’s best-selling widebody family,” declares A...
Typical price: $10,361,000 to $390,000,000 pre-owned. A330-200 $390,000,000 new. Production dates: 1993 - current Includes A330-200, 300, Prestige and ACJ330neo Engines: General Electric CF6-80E1 Series, Pratt & Whitney PW4000 Series, Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 700 Series Variant types...
空中客车公务机日前正式推出全新空客A330neo飞机的公务机版本——ACJ330neo,它将换装新一代发动机,并在气动性能和其他方面进行多项改进,可为客户提供更好的乘坐舒适性,更佳的效率并拥有真正的全球范围内任意两点不经停直飞能力。 ACJ330neo公务机可在搭载25名乘客的情况下飞行9400海里/17400公里,或连续飞行20小时,可...
民航资源网2017年05月24日消息: 近日,空客公务机公司正式推出空客A330neo飞机的公务机版,命名为ACJ330neo。该机型能搭载25名乘客飞行17400公里(9400海里)或者连续飞行20个小时,可以从欧洲直飞澳大利亚。 空客客户事务首席营运长雷义(John Leahy)称,一些国家需要派出元首和代表团出访全球各地,ACJ330neo可以作为全球最畅...
Typical price: $7,364,000 to $117,000,000 pre-owned. ACJ320neo $117,000,000 new. Production dates: 1989 - current Includes ACJ320, A320 Prestige and ACJ320neo Engines: CFM56-5B/CFM56-5C, IAE PW1100G-JM, IAE V2500-( )5 Series, LEAP-1A & LEAP-1C Series Variant types World flee...
空客公司称其新的内饰为“和谐”,并且是为A330neo公务机专门设计的。它确实说它可以适合其他空中客车公司的宽体飞机,所以如果A330不够大,这种惊人的设计很容易转化为A350XWB私人飞机。 ACJ创意设计负责人Sylvain Mariat谈到这个概念时说, “和谐是永恒而优雅的设计理念,因为我们敢于打破传统上作为客舱设计师强加给我们...