acid fast staining 抗酸染色法 acid fast stain 抗酸染色 acid fast bacillus 耐酸杆菌 AF acid fast 耐酸的 acid fast bacterium 【医】 耐酸菌 acid fast bacteria 耐酸细菌,抗酸细菌 acid fast acarlet 【机】 酸性坚牢猩红 periodic acid Schiff staining 希氏高碘酸染色法 acid alizarin blue mod...
acid fast stain 抗酸染色 acid fast staining 抗酸染色法 acid fast bacillus 耐酸杆菌 AF acid fast 耐酸的 acid fast bacterium 【医】 耐酸菌 acid fast bacteria 耐酸细菌,抗酸细菌 acid fast acarlet 【机】 酸性坚牢猩红 acid fuchsin stain 齐尼二氏染剂 acid proof stain 耐酸着色剂 acid...
"抗酸染色液(Kinyoun冷染法) Acid-fast staining solution"价格:价格电议产品详情:抗酸染色液(Kinyoun冷染法) Acid-fast staining solution 50ml×3 SM034-5... 包装规格:50ml×3 货号:SM034-50ml×3 品牌:伊势久 产地/厂商:艾研 是否进口:否 染液相关产品报价更多> ...
Methods After the collection of sputum smear positive acid-fast staining 3+ male specimens with a certain concentration of rifampin,Mycobacterium tuberculosis phage was added to it. 方法收集痰厚涂片抗酸染色3+阳性标本与一定浓度的利福平作用后,加入结核分枝杆菌噬菌体,观察噬菌体斑数量,来测定对利福平的敏感...
Acid Destaining Solution酸性脱色液 室温 2×100ml MM1016-C Counterstain Solution复染液 室温避光 100ml 保存与运输方法 保存:室温避光保存,1年有效。 运输:室温运输。 操作步骤 1) 用接种环挑取待检样本,涂布于载玻片上,加热固定。 2) 滴加金胺O染色液,室温避光染色10~15min,水洗。
Acid-fast Stain Kit (Auramine O Method) 抗酸染色液(金胺O荧光法) MM1016-400ML4×100ml320 产品描述 分枝杆菌、麻风杆菌等抗酸性菌,因其菌体表面有一层类脂或脂质皮膜而不易着色,但一经着色后,就很难被酸性脱色液脱色。利用此特性,使用增强染色液对抗酸性菌染色,并以酸性脱色液加以脱色处理,使其...
Acid-Fast (Ziehl-Neelsen) Staining Facilitates Follicular Counting in Horizontally-Sectioned Scalp Biopsies.Transverse sectioning of scalp biopsies was first proposed by Headington in 1984. Horizontal sections allow easy analysis of follicular density, accurate determination of hair shaft diameter, and ...
【医学课件】 GRAM and ACID FAST STAINS GRAMandACIDFASTSTAINS DifferentialStains •GramStainsandAcidFastStainsaredifferentialstains(usemorethanonecolor)–Colorshouldbeonoppositesidesofthecolorwheeltomakevisualizationeasier Whatisagramstain?•Oneofthemostimportantbiologicalstainingprocessesinmicrobiology •...
Improved stain for acid-fast bacilli A staining system for acid-fast bacilli includes a primary stain and a secondary stain; the primary stain comprising basic fuchsin, ethyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, Phenol nd water, and the secondary stain comprising methylene blue, eth... R Jayakumar - EP...
Many bacterial and protozoan pathogens in fish and shellfish exhibit acid-fast staining characteristics that are important for pathogen identification and disease diagnosis. The classic acid-fast staining techniques for light microscopy use carbol-fuchsin; a major ingredient of this stain is caustic and...