NCLEX-RN Prep Our online nursing licensing exam prep course focuses on the most important and frequently tested content to help you pass yourNCLEX-RN or NCLEX-PNthe first time. More about NCLEX-RN See if Achieve is the right fit for you. ...
HESI (RN) Exit Prep / NCLEX RN Preparation This 9-week course provides an overview of material from the HESI (RN) exit exam, which is a comprehensive assessment used by nursing programs to evaluate students' readiness for graduation and licensure as registered nurses (RNs). It requires that ...
“If you find traditional college classes challenging then Achieve Test Prep would befor you.” Ava Hogue LPN to RN Career Pathways Fast trackyourcareer goals When getting ahead on the job requires going back to school, leverage Achieve Test Prep’s online pathways to test out of college cours...
When you take an online test prep course with Achieve, you study a small subset of focused material and prepare to test out of college courses by passing a credit by exam proficiency test. Our courses teach you what you need to pass your exam with confidence, putting you in the best...