Online test prep can help lessen the challenges of the traditional college system. It empowers adults to make real, manageable progress with flexible and convenient pathways to education. The Achieve difference Achieve offers practical learning solutions that better support busy, working adults. We pri...
Our wide variety of online test prep courses for CLEP and DSST exams make it possible for busy adults to advance their education and careers.
Our test prep courses don’t have pop quizzes, term papers, homework, and group work. Free study materials Each online test prep course offers a single digital textbook and learning resources, provided at no extra cost. Answers to your questions Is Achieve Test Prep a school? No. Achieve ...
What was the most helpful thing you learned from taking the prep course? Did you find the PEAT helpful in preparing for the exam? If so, how? If not, why not? How many practice exams did you take in preparation for the exam? Did you have a specific strategy of when and how you us...