步骤一:下载最新的BIOS固件 首先,你需要从Acer官方网站上下载最新的BIOS固件文件。 步骤二:准备一个USB闪存驱动器 接下来,准备一个空的USB闪存驱动器,确保其容量足够存放BIOS固件文件。 步骤三:将BIOS固件文件复制到USB闪存驱动器 将下载好的BIOS固件文件复制到准备好的USB闪存驱动器中。 #复制BIOS固件文件到USB闪存...
I had installed a Toshiba Hard disk drive of 1TB on my Acer Nitro 5 laptop. The laptop was working fine but from yesterday, during boot (and the boot process is very slow) , a bios window pops up to enter the password for the HDD which I never created. It says locked and needs pa...
sata mode is not displayed in the bios menu in the information box. even after pressing ctrl+s. https://community.acer.com/en/kb/articles/13993-how-to-change-sata-mode-to-ahci and i think that is the main reason. that the bios does not know which sata mode t...
Step 1.Restart your computer, and then press theBIOSkey to enter theBIOSmenu. Step 2.In theBIOSmenu, go to theBoottab, and use “+” and “–” to move the disk. Step 3.Once done, pressF10to save the Boot order change and exit theBIOSmenu. Then, restart your PC and check if ...
ACER NITRO 5 AN515-55-50V2 板号:FH51M LA-J871P REV: 1.0 2020-03-30 T...
Step 1.Reboot your computer and press F10 repeatedly to enter the BIOS setup menu. Step 2.Open the Boot menu and use "+" or "-" to move the hard disk. Step 3.Press F10 to save the changes to the boot sequence and exit.
TheBIOSutilityhassixmenuoptions:Information,Main,Advanced,Security,Boot,andExit. Tonavigatethroughthemenusoptions,performthefollowing: •Tochooseamenu,usetheleftandrightarrowkeys. •Tochooseanitem,usetheupanddownarrowkeys. •Tochangethevalueofaparameter,pressF5orF6. •Aplussign(+)indicatestheitemha...
但是按f 12进入boot menu, 选择了USB启动后,没反应,只是屏幕闪了一下,又回到了boot menu 分享28赞 图拉丁吧 旋风管家Hayate 求助,acer h61h2 am3怎么刷bios宏基和方正的品牌机用的主板,现在想上rx580发现bios不认这个显卡,请问这个型号的主板能刷bios吗,精英官网上好像没有这个型号,宏基官网上bios最新就到2013...
首先vbios是刷的吧友提供的y7000使用的版本 我刷的是105w的 我bios版本1.04 风扇自动,性能模式高性能,室温26-28度不确定 给你们几张图参考吧首先是刷完vbios后能达到105w的图 然后跑3dmark,105w的分数 然后跑3dmark,默认功率下显卡核心超频180mhz,显存超频150mhz的图 最后是原始的3dmark跑分 共4 张 果粒橙...
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