4 new user hi, i have a nitro 5 and am unable to enter bios/uefi. hitting f2 at boot, or attempting to enter uefi from windows 10 recovery both result in a black screen with an underscore in the top left corner. any help would be appreciated. thanks in advance. win 10 boots ok....
› gaming › nitro gaming acer nitro 5 an515-44 hangs on the logo when trying to enter bios. dfgbdbb member posts: 2 new user january 24 in nitro gaming the laptop works perfectly fine, but yesterday when i needed to enter the bios, the laptop just hung on the logo and turned ...
步骤一:下载最新的BIOS固件 首先,你需要从Acer官方网站上下载最新的BIOS固件文件。 步骤二:准备一个USB闪存驱动器 接下来,准备一个空的USB闪存驱动器,确保其容量足够存放BIOS固件文件。 步骤三:将BIOS固件文件复制到USB闪存驱动器 将下载好的BIOS固件文件复制到准备好的USB闪存驱动器中。 #复制BIOS固件文件到USB闪存...
这个BIOS不能启动。试试这个:https://www.chinafix.com/thread-1263671-1-1.html 板号都不一样 没...
Step 1.Restart your computer, and then press theBIOSkey to enter theBIOSmenu. Step 2.In theBIOSmenu, go to theBoottab, and use “+” and “–” to move the disk. Step 3.Once done, pressF10to save the Boot order change and exit theBIOSmenu. Then, restart your PC and check if ...
NitroANV16-71WED26Jun.2024 BIOSVersion:V1.xx11:20 IntelVTX: Information ThisisIntelVTXfunctionswitch IntelVTX: Main IntelVTD: AdvancedActiveEfficientCores: GNADevice: Security TBTDetectionGain Boot Displaymode:Optimus Exit EnterSubMenu MoveItem ...
Step 1.Reboot your computer and press F10 repeatedly to enter the BIOS setup menu. Step 2.Open the Boot menu and use "+" or "-" to move the hard disk. Step 3.Press F10 to save the changes to the boot sequence and exit.
本吧热帖: 1-acer笔记本吧吧主招募结果公示 2-某东自营宏基暗影骑士?擎6游戏本只要4599?了!历史新低! 3-宏碁掠夺者擎neo2023款随机开机后进系统 4-Acer3050ti玩PUBG掉帧严重? 5-求一个宏碁aspire 4552g最新bios,AMD平台的 6-抱着我的古董提个问 7-大佬们,宏碁暗影骑士
操作系统:Win7-32,Win7-64,Win10-32,Win10-64 适应硬件:Acer宏碁暗影骑士4 Nitro AN515-54笔记本 驱动说明 Acer宏碁暗影骑士4 Nitro AN515-54笔记本BIOS 1.32版For Windows(2020年11月9日发布) 本程序为宏碁暗影骑士4 Nitro AN515-54笔记本BIOS,版本为1.32,适用于Windows系统。 纠错...
今天闲得无聊,想解决一下暗影骑士3键盘背光灯自动熄灭的问题,然后看到有人发帖子暗影骑士4的nitro sense带键盘背光灯设置功能,就手欠去下了暗影骑士4的Nitro sense,版本号V3.01.3008,结果卸载旧版本装新版本后,nitro sense不能启动,询问客服无果,于是自己琢磨,终于解决了Nitro sense不能启动的问题。 LXM霍霍 8-...