Acer Chromebook 314说明书 User’s Manual
(this is the bios recovery hotkey), then press the power button. release the fn + esc keys after post. note: flash utility has auto execution function and you need to wait until it finishes which can take up to a max of 10 min. if this answers your question and solved your query ...
(this is the bios recovery hotkey), then press the power button. release the fn + esc keys after post. note: flash utility has auto execution function and you need to wait until it finishes which can take up to a max of 10 min. if this answers your question and solved your query ...
Acer Chromebook 317 用户手册说明书 USER’S MANUAL
Functionkeys8OpenandeditMicrosoftOfficefilesusing Touchpad8Google’sofficecompatibilitymode24 Leftsideview9ConvertMicrosoftOfficefilestoGoogle Driveformats24 Rightsideview10ExportGoogleDrivedocumentsas Bottomview11MicrosoftOfficefiles25 OpeningMicrosoftOfficefilesusing ...
mode.Thekeysfunctionasacalculator(complete NumLockwiththearithmeticoperators+,-,*,and/).Usethis modewhenyouneedtodoalotofnumericdata entry. WhenScrollLockison,thescreenmovesoneline ScrollLockupordownwhenyoupresstheupordownarrow Fn+F12keysrespectively.ScrollLockdoesnotworkwith someapplications. Hotkeys The...
sorted(alien_0.keys( )):---列出字典中所有的键并排序 set(alien_0.values( )):---列出字典中所有的值并找出列表中独一无二的元素 嵌套:列表嵌套字典、字典嵌套列表、字典嵌套字典 若字典嵌套列表,则使用for topping in pizza[ 'toppings' ]:---调用键名然后遍历 ...
This year’s iF Design Awards recorded nearly 11,000 submissions from almost 5,000 participants around the world. The award body’s 132-man team of design experts was tasked to evaluate and score all entries based on the criteria of differentiation, form, function, idea, and impact. Ac...
Help on function read_sql in module read_sql(sql, con, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, params=None, parse_dates=None, columns=None, chunksize: Union[int, NoneType] = None) -> Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Iterator[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]] ...
Note To swap the hotkey and special function of the F1 to F12 keys, change the function key setting in the BIOS (to open the BIOS press F2 when starting your computer, then select the Main menu and change Function key behavior to Function keys). (Specifications vary depending on model.)...