separatecursor,lock,Windows,functionandspecialkeys. Lockkeys Thekeyboardhasthreelockkeyswhichyoucantoggleonandoff. LockkeyDescription WhenCapsLockison,allalphabeticcharacters CapsLock typedareinuppercase. WhenNumLockison,thekeypadisinnumeric mode.Thekeysfunctionasacalculator(complete NumLockwiththearithmeticoperators...
15,311 trailblazer august 2023 may i ask what model aspire 5 you have, a515-56 perhaps? what are "command keys", do you mean the keyboard? did you try pressing the fn5-fn6 keys that turn on the ...
Hello. I have acer aspire 7 a715-75G. I bought it 2 years ago. Last month FN key in keyboard started to lag. I needed to press it 3 times to work.
It can’t match the looks of the Macbook Air or the Dell XPS 13 and lacks the sexiness of the Aspire S7. I for one was mostly happy with it, although I’m definitely not a reference, as the design is not high on my list of priorities. The gray finishes do show smudges and ...
•FunctionKey:FunctionkeysactivateF1to F12bydefault.HoldFntoperformmedia functions. •Mediafunctionsareonlyactiveunder FunctionKey[FunctionKey]/[Media Windows.F1toF12actsasthenormal behaviorKey] functionkeysduringdevicebootorwhilein BIOS. •Thedefaultsettingdependsontheproduct ...
And while the screen can block the top row of keys if moved too far forward, it does a good job of bringing the touchscreen close without compromising function. Unfortunately, the touchpad itself is subpar. Virtually the same texture as the laptop body, it’s difficult to tell just when,...
Hey, I have an acer aspire laptop, My problem is my function keys for wifi, I’ve tried turning it on and closes it, but when I open it up again, it will turn back off again, I’ve tried it like a thousand times but it won’t work, do you know the problem?
Note also that my product name differs in that it is "Aspire V5-573PG", which is the laptop version with core i7-4500U processor and a full HD touch panel. But even after adding that dmi_match entry to acpi-handle-hack.c I don't get it to work (same -1 error). Is there anyth...
Acer Aspire V5-171 and TravelMate B113 Series Notebook Service Guide - Page 19 ...23 4 Figure 1:7. Keyboard # Item 1 Caps Lock Key 2 Fn Function Key 3 Windows Key 4 Application Key Description When Caps Lock is on, all alphabetic characters are typed in... Press to launch the Star...
English 9 Function Keys The computer uses function keys or key combinations to the previous page. Icon Function Previous Description Go to access some hardware and software controls, such as screen brightness and volume. Volume up Increases the screen brightness. The dedicated... User Manual - ...