It stresses the declined number of faculties of Doctor of Philosophy Degree (PhD) in almost all business disciplines due to great number of undergraduate business enrollments, an increased number of Master in Business Administration (MBA...
这是一个属于B-School PhD里的一个研究方向, B-School 招收 PhD 都比较少, 例如Gter 上有贴子说UCLA 2005 就只招了 2 个 中国Accounting的学生. 但B-School的PhD是有富, 奖学金都很好拿, 只是竞争异常激烈, 没有 GMAT 700+ TOEFL 620+, GPA 3.5+ 申请TOP50 的全奖, 没戏. 另外部分B-School 的PhD...
Native Professionals to Assist You :With the aid of native assignment writers, we provide our students with onlineaccounting homework helpservices. These expertd are previous academics who have completed master's or doctoral programs in the subject. ...
In2000,theAccountingfacultyatHongKongUniversityofScienceandTechnology(HKUST)ranked1stintheworldin researcharticlespublishedinthetopfiveacademicjournals.HKUSTisoneofonlysevenaccountingprograms worldwidetoconsistentlyrankamongthetoptenduringthepastthreeyears,withChicago,Columbia,Michigan, Pennsylvania,Stanford,andUCBerkeley...