美国宾州州立大学(Pennsylvania State University--University Park,简称PSU)推出一个全新硕士项目——会计分析硕士(Master's in Accounting Analytics,简称MAA),设置在PSU的斯米尔商学院(Smeal College of Business)。斯米尔商学院是美国知名商学院,在最新的2023年US News美国商学院排名位居第33位。项目全日制时长1年,...
57。每122位本科毕业的美国人中就有1个是宾夕法尼亚州立大学的校友。成立于1855年的宾州州立大学目前已经有了24个校区,尤尼弗西蒂帕克(University Park)是其中的主校区,也是规模最大的校区,有学生45000余人。距离宾州州府Harrisburg仅仅17英里的地理位置优势让
CCA a New Pathway for Accounting Majors: Penn State Has Introduced a Program That Prepares Students for a Career in Management Accounting[ILLUSTRATION OMITTED] "I am a second-class citizen! " exclaimed one of the brightest...Samuel, Sajay...
作为PSU最具影响力的学生组织以及State College地区唯一受到中国驻美领事馆认证及资助的官方中国学生组织,宾州州立大学中国学生学者联合会(PSU-CSSA)已经连续为来自祖国各地的学生和学者贴心服务17年之久。CSSA (中国学生学者联合会) 全称为 Chinese Students and Scholars Association,是所在城市State College中最大的一...
Approx. total tuition, out-of-state $38,415 Penn State offer master's in AI programs both online as well as at Penn State Great Valley. The program allows for stackable certificates to be obtained, such as in natural language processing or computer vision.See full Master's in artificial in...
Penn State University is looking to close some of its campuses, but Penn State Lehigh Valley, Penn State Berks and Penn State Harrisburg are not among those being considered for closure. Feb 25, 2025 E-town College launches Med Lab Science major for healthcare careers A Medical Laboratory ...
Pennsylvania State University, colloquially known as Penn State, is a public research university that awards associate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, and professional degrees and offers continuing education programs. Penn State’s main campus is located in the city of University Park; nineteen br...
Penn State Behrend Skip to main content Jay A. Hometown: Bridgeville, PA Electrical Engineering Class of 2025 Haley A. Hometown: Tarentum, PA Biology with a Focus in Health Professions Class of 2025 Justin B. Hometown: New Castle, PA...
In the beginning of my endeavor at Kent State University, it was a hard adjustment for me at first but now that I am involved in many activities I feel as if I found the place for me. At first it was hard for me to leave my home and move in here to call it my new home, but...
Penn State University Park, founded in 1855, is a public, comprehensive university. Programs are offered through the Colleges of Agriculture, Arts and Architecture, Business Administration, Communications, Earth and Mineral Sciences, Education, Engineering, Health and Human Development, Liberal Arts, and...