SAP FICO - Home SAP FI - Overview SAP FI - Submodules SAP FI - Company Basics SAP FI - Define Business Area SAP FI - Define Functional Area SAP FI - Define Credit Control SAP FI - General Ledger SAP FI - COA Group SAP FI - Retained Earnings Account SAP FI - G/L Account SAP FI...
T-codeSPRO → SAP Reference IMG → Financial Accounting → General Ledger Accounting → G/L Accounts → Preparations → Define Account Group → Execute → New window will open → New Entries. Populate the following fields in the COA group: Chart of Account Key, Acct Group, Name, From Acct....
SAPT-codesto be used for Account Analysis in SAP FI − Customer line item display : FBL5N Customer Balance Display : FD10N Accounts Receivable info system : F.30 Print Page Previous Next
Next on theChange View "Posting Key": Overviewscreen you will see a list of previously definedAccount Keyon your SAP system. Next, click theNew Entriesbutton. Next on the popup enter the following details: Account Key:Enter a specific code to represent the new account key ...
本文是在SAP系统前台维护一个总账科目(G/L Account)。后台科目表、公司代码相关配置已完成,可以在前台进行总账科目的维护。相关深入知识参见《总账科目(G/L Account)主数据综述》。 维护总账科目的前提条件是后台配置完成留存收益科目的定义(参见《定义留存收益科目(Retained Earnings Account)》),如未配置则在维护科目...
浅谈SAP FICO—总账科目 订单有关的业务,一般选择014-采购订单号+行项目号,其它情况选择记帐日期+凭证号。1.3创建会计科目创建会计科目主要有三种方法:1,通过【FSP0】在科目表中创建,需要制定帐目表和科目组;2...数据时,哪些字段是必须,哪些是可选的Ø 当创建科目主数据时,哪些是隐藏注意与字段状态组区别:字段...
To solve the “Acct. 5XXXX0 for trans./event key BSX, postable directly” error please click on below link. Acct. 5XXXX0 for trans./event key BSX, postable directly FAQ What is Transaction code for change cost element? To change the Cost Element Transaction code is KA02. ...
Sections in a SAP FICO Business Blueprint GMC-SAP Implementation 1 Business Scenarios 1.1 FICO Scenarios 1.1.1 Business Processes New general Ledger and Profit Center Accounting Accounts Payable Accounts Receivable Collections Management ...
SAP FICO Posting Key for Bank SAP FICO Document Type SAP FICO Document Number Ranges SAP FICO Classic GL vs New GL SAP FICO GL Account for Cash Journal SAP FICO Accounts Receivable Process Cycle SAP FICO Accounts Receivable Configuration Reverse MIRO Document in SAP SAP FICO Scope and Opportunity...