Journal of Prosthetic DentistryMerkeley HJ: The labial and buccal accessory muscles of mastication. J Prosthet Dent 1954;4:327-334Merkeley H J (1954) Labial and buccal accessory muscles of mastication. J Prosthet Dent 4:327–334Merkeley, H.J. ( 1954 ) The labial and buccal accessory ...
1.5 L; p < 0.001),∗43 and in patients referred for pulmonary function tests, accessory muscle use increases the probability of chronic obstructive disease (LR = 3.3; see EBM Box 28.2). Inspection of accessory muscles also provides useful information in patients with amyotrophic lateral ...
The mandible or the submaxilla is a "U"-shaped pivotal structure, considering the attachment of the muscles of mastication with relation to mastication itself. The coronoid process is a variably shaped beak-like projection at the anterosuperior aspect of the ramus. The anterior border of which ...
Summary This chapter contains section titled: Origins of The Proustian View Rejecting the Proustian View of Involuntary Memory Cuing What is the Alternative to the Proustian View? Note Referencesdoi:10.1016/0022-3913(55)90074-3Howard J. Merkeley...
Lower denture technic based on a proper understanding of the accessory muscles of masticationDENTAL PROSTHESISMERKELEY HJ.doi:10.14219/jada.archive.1957.0115MerkeleyHoward J.Elsevier Inc.Journal of the American Dental AssociationMerkeley HJ. Lower denture technic based on a proper understanding of the ...
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is a complex anatomical area consisting of the mandibular condyle and the temporal bone of the skull base. It comes under the influence of a number of factors including the muscles of mastication, teeth, occlusion and the contralateral joint and thus there exists...