head and neck are involved in mastication, the term Muscles of Mastication" is usually reserved for the four pairs of muscles (Masseter, Temporalis, Lateral and Medial Pterygoid) that are primarily responsible for moving the mandible during the communication and processing of food before swallowing....
mastication- biting and grinding food in your mouth so it becomes soft enough to swallow chewing,manduction,chew change of state- the act of changing something into something different in essential characteristics chomping- the act of chewing noisily ...
lateral pterygoid, and masseter muscles. The four main muscles of mastication attach to the rami of the mandible and function to move the jaw (mandible). The cardinal mandibular movements of mastication are elevation, depression, protrusion, retraction, and side to side movement. To augment the ...
The suprahyoid andinfrahyoid musclesare considered secondary muscles ofmastication(Fig. 13.11). Both groups of muscles are involved with depression of themandibleand subsequent opening of the mouth, movement of thetongue, swallowing, and speaking. The infrahyoid muscles stabilize thehyoid boneso that...
The muscles in the head perform a variety of functions such as: mastication, vision, and movements of the eyes, nose, ears, forehead, and the mouth to generate facial expressions. Head Muscles for Expression The muscles in the head used to create facial expressions include: Frontalis: allows ...
Muscles of Mastication - include: ○ temporalis ○ masseter ○ muscles of the tongue - help the mouth begin mechanical digestion - muscles used in chewing and swallowing Temporalis - deep the temporoparietalis - O: temporal bone - I: mandible ...
Little digestion of food actually takes place in the mouth. However, through the process ofmastication, or chewing, food is prepared in the mouth for transport through the upper digestive tract into the stomach and small intestine, where the principal digestive processes take place. Chewing is the...
When we say ‘mouth’ we mean the oral cavity; a space in the lower part of the head that functions as the entrance to the digestive system. The content of the oral cavity determines its function. It houses the structures necessary for mastication and speech, which include the teeth, the...
Muscles of facial expression include frontalis, orbicularis oris, laris oculi, buccinator, and zygomaticus.These muscles of facial expressions are identified in the illustration below. There are four pairs of muscles that are responsible for chewing movements or mastication. All of these muscles connect...
1.(of a muscle) having two bellies with an intermediate tendon. n. 2.a muscle of the lower jaw serving to open the mouth. [1690–1700; < New Latindigastricus.Seedi-1,gastric] Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991...