But I can't call BlocProvider.of<AuthenticationBloc>(context).add(Logout()); because in the chopper instance the build context is not known. Is there another way to change the state of a BloC? Do you have any ideas how I can rebuild the whole thing to make it work? FlutterSecureStor...
In this case, there is no way you can externally access the provider state without using ref. All you can do is: Pass Ref as an argument to a function where inside will require access to the provider. (bad pattern) Use ProviderScope.containerOf(context) to get a reference to t...
Crashed: com.apple.main-thread 0 Flutter 0x3070c (Missing UUID ) 1 Flutter 0x305e8 (Missing UUID ) 2 CoreFoundation 0x2f7a8 __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 148 3 CoreFoundation 0x2f170 ___CFXRegistrationPost_block_invoke + 88 4 CoreFoundation 0x2f0b8 _CFXRegi...
It can be used instead of InheritedWidget or Provider to access objects e.g. from your UI. Typical usage: Accessing service objects like REST API clients or databases so that they easily can be mocked. Accessing View/AppModels/Managers/BLoCs from Flutter Views Why GetIt As your App grows, ...
flutter-ml/google_ml_kit_flutter#287 Describe the bug Issue Description: The camera functionality in the app is encountering a problem where it opens for a brief half-second and then automatically closes. This issue has been observed on a Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite device, but it may not be ...
First, it inherits the goals of provider: Being able to safely create, observe and dispose states without having to worry about losing the state on widget rebuild. Making our objects visible in Flutter's devtool by default. Testable and composable Improve the readability of InheritedWidgets when...
Riverpodhas multiple goals. First, it inherits the goals ofprovider: Being able to safely create, observe and dispose states without having to worry about losing the state on widget rebuild. Making our objects visible in Flutter's devtool by default. ...
amplify_storage_s3_ios amplify_core aws_common flutter meta plugin_platform_interface] - cupertino_icons 1.0.5 - flutter 0.0.0 [characters collection material_color_utilities meta vector_math sky_engine] - flutter_hooks 0.18.5+1 [flutter] - google_fonts 3.0.1 [flutter http path_provider ...
pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\path_provider_macos-0.0.4+4\ [ +7 ms] Found plugin path_provider_windows at C:\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\path_provider_windows-0.0.4+1\ [ +35 ms] Found plugin photo_manager at C:\flutter\.pub-cache\hosted\pub.dartlang.org\photo...
^3.2.0+1 shared_preferences: ^0.5.6+2 flutter_translate: ^1.6.0 redux_persist: ^0.8.3 flutter_redux: ^0.6.0 url_launcher: ^5.4.10 package_info: ^0.4.0+13 flutter_map: ^0.8.2 geolocator: ^6.1.7 provider: ^4.3.2+2 geojson: ^0.9.1 shimmer: ^1.1.2 toast: ^0.1.5 http: ^0....