Regularly update your application and its dependencies to incorporate the latest features and improvements from your streaming SDK. Keeping your app up-to-date ensures optimal performance and access to the newest functionalities offered by your streaming service provider. Key Features of Your Flutter Liv...
Step 2: Add the SSL certificate to the Flutter project Once we have downloaded the SSL certificate, we need to add it to our Flutter project. To do this, we can create a new directory named ‘ca’ in the root directory of our Flutter project and save the SSL certificate in this direct...
I have an CountriesToRealm event and I want to save my objects in flutter_realm when I add the event . I add it when I load countries by http requestif (event is CountriesToRealm) { for (int i = 0; i < event.countries.length; ++i) { Country country = event.countries[i]; prin...
add(_isLoading); final completer = Completer<void>(); // Dispatch the fetch event to the bloc using BuildContext. BlocProvider.of<EmployeeBloc>(context) .add(FetchEmployees(startIndex: startIndex, endIndex: endIndex)); // Cancel the previous stream subscription before creating a new ...
TheOrderDataSourceclass is used to connect our data model (the Order objects) to a DataGrid. It acts as a data provider for the SfDataGrid widget in Flutter. class Order { /// Creates the order class with the required details. Order({ ...
A popup will appear when you toggle off. This is to confirm and save your app changes. CRUD API Testing With Flutter In this section, you will test your app’s backend API functions and database with a Flutter application you will build. You will start with building the user interface fo...
If you are using Flutter, you do not need to care about this object (outside of testing), as it is implicitly created for you byProviderScope. The exception to this rule is if we need to create an object that takes aRefargument inside themain()method. In this case, creating aProvider...
If you turn to an outsourcing software provider, you will get a full team of experts ready to start working on your product. This option will help you save money and time on hiring and maintaining an in-house team and get a high-quality product quickly. Moreover, this form of ...
1. To add SparkScan using Gradle AddmavenCentral()repository to thebuild.gradlefile: repositories { mavenCentral() } Add the necessary artifacts as dependencies to the app’sbuild.gradleas required: dependencies { implementation "com.scandit.datacapture:core:[version]" ...