3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)提供一份样卷,给广大ACCAer看看考试题型。是非常重要的考前复习资料。4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门! 5.Technical Articles(考官文章):这...
如果对ACCA考试不陌生的同学,那么肯定都应该了解,ACCA官网可以说是无数考生的必备资料库,其中包含的学习资源的丰富程度极高,有Syllabus(考试大纲)、Examiner's reports(考官报告)、Specimen exams(样卷)、Technical Articles(考官文章)、Past exams and question practice(历年真题及测试练习)、Exam technique(考试技术)等...
1.http://www.Opentuition.com-英文网站但是 资料齐全、网课免费、题库免费 论情怀,这个网站的情怀不...
1、ACCA官网 在ACCA官网中考生们使用的比较多的资料有Syllabus and study guide(考纲)、Guidance from the examing team(考官报告)、Specimen exams(样卷)、Past exam papers(真题)、Technical Articles(考官文章),还有在线模拟考试平台供考生们练习审核自己的学习成果。 网址:www.ACCAglobal.com 2、ACCA论坛 在论坛之...
AFM - Advanced Financial Management 46% APM - Advanced Performance Management 37% ATX - Advanced Taxation 47% FOUNDATION LEVEL QUALIFICATIONS Pass rate (%) ACCA Diploma in Financial and Management Accounting (Level 2 RQF) FA1 - Recording Financial transactions 79% MA1 - Management Information 78...
BT CBE exam was.. | MA CBE exam was.. FA CBE exam was.. | LW CBE exam was.. Donate If you have benefited from OpenTuition please donate. Latest Comments Folu on The cost of capital (part 1) – ACCA (AFM) lectures Folu on The cost of capital (part 1) – ACCA (AFM) lectures...
中性类:PM,AFM 推荐:文字和计算的方法都可以使用。 具体学习方法 01 In class Taking notes by using pens with different colours. 上课在PPT上做笔记的时候,尽可能使用不同颜色的笔,例如在做老师讲解的时候,一般用的是红色,做例题一般用蓝色,然后自己理解的部分用黑色笔,这样的话对于整体来说,PPT上的笔记会更...
Advanced Financial Management (AFM) Advanced Performance Management (APM) Advanced Taxation (ATX) Advanced Audit and Assurance (AAA)Resources on this page will allow you to become familiar with the computer based exam environment and get the best out of the CBE Practice Platform. Practice...
ACCA官网就有 选择student操作一番就有题 如果是大学生学这个方向的话应该是学校签了合作方吧,合作...