The FA1 Recording Financial Transactions specimen exam indicates how the paper will be assessed, structured and the likely style and range of questions that could be asked. Any student preparing to take this exam should familiarise themselves with the exam style. FA1 Computer-based exam (CBE) ...
Q1 Specimen exam has both inflation & interest figures, both of which provide different answers. Which figures should be used? TIA. June 4, 2024 at 5:08 pm mati1103 Participant Topics: 0 Replies: 2 ☆ This is because the question is specifically asking you for a six-month forward exchan...
ACCA Live Revision kit for Paper FA (old paper F3) Lectures based on the Past ACCA exam, please download it before you start watching the lectures ACCA F3 Specimen Exam Section A MCQs Lecture 1 [18m]
Find out more New: Kickstart your AK preparation Free on demand webinar with practical guidance and a showcase of support resources to help build confidence and get you exam ready. Watch now
3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)提供一份样卷,给广大ACCAer看看考试题型。是非常重要的考前复习资料。 4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门!
13 机考样卷与讲解视频 第2步:收看样卷解析(Specimen Debrief) 学员可以通过微信小程序搜索"ACCA学员服务小助手"或扫描下方二维码,输入 您的ACCA ID以及电子邮箱,即可登录MAX. ▪ 选择Applied Knowledge,进入BT,MA 和 FA 样卷试题解析 ▪ 选择Applied Skills,进入LW样卷试题解析 选择学科和对应题号,学员可获取...
即日起,所有学员均可通过登录MyACCA,在主页菜单栏中选择“My qualification”后,点击“On-demand Practice Tests”,即可获取OD阶段四门学科(BT/MA/FA/LW)官方模拟测试题,每个学科3套,总计12套在线试题卷,全部限时免费开放! 02圣诞好礼二登录ACCA学习资源小程序MAX,获取官方样卷(specimen exam)解析视频。
3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)提供一份样卷,给广大ACCAer看看考试题型。是非常重要的考前复习资料。4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门!
在工作区内不会出现试题,ACCA建议学员配合ACCA认可出版机构的所出版的练习册(question and answer banks)来使用这一资源。 请通过以下链接查找相关科目的结构化试题工作区(在每个科目的“specimen exams”下)
3、样卷(Specimen exams) 帮助学员提前熟悉考试风格和题型。 4、历年真题(Past exam library) 历年真题是非常重要的参考资料,可以用真题自行进行练习。 5、模拟测试(Practice tests) 仅适用于BT、MA、FA和LW随时机考科目,可作为考前查漏补缺的重要学习工具; 6、ACCA中国专属机考练习平台(CBE Practice Platform) ACCA...