A full CBE specimen exam is also available, together with extra constructed response questions and a constructed response workspace. Explanation of capabilities AA focuses on five capabilities. Table 1 shows how each of these capabilities may be examined, and details comments on the type of ...
CBE specimen examsThe specimen exams will help you to familiarise yourself with the exam software, and give you the opportunity to practise exam-style questions.Before you begin Guide to session CBE specimen exams Enable pop ups within your browser Set your screen resolution to 1280 x ...
d. 选择Examining Team guidance, 查找考试团队指导文件(有的科目需选择版本) 再选择需要查看的文件,如考官文章,考官报告等,会有考题考核角度和内容等的说明和解释。 e. 选择CBE Specimen exams, 查看机考样卷,熟悉机考界面操作(有的科目需要选择版本) true f. 选择CBE past exams,下载查看相应版本和考季的机考历...
ACCA官网specimen exam是可以下载的,学员可以自行到官网去下载学习。针对ACCA模拟考试,相信很多学员都有必要来一次,毕竟提前熟悉考试的流程对于学员来说是很关键。ACCA官网模拟题下载步骤: 1.打开ACCA官网www.accaglobal.com点击选项中的“student” 2.点击“student”之后会跳到新的页面,在新的页面中点击“ACCA qualifi...
3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)...
一、ACCA复习资料 ACCA的备考资料的可以在ACCA官网、ACCA论坛、高顿之中查询到,具体如下: 1、ACCA官网 在ACCA官网中考生们使用的比较多的资料有Syllabus and study guide(考纲)、Guidance from the examing team(考官报告)、Specimen exams(样卷)、Past exam papers(真题)、Technical Articles(考官文章),还有在线模拟...
3.Specimen exams(样卷):所谓的样卷,就是模拟卷。ACCA会在考前根据题型最新变动(如果有变动的话)提供一份样卷,给广大ACCAer看看考试题型。是非常重要的考前复习资料。4.Past exam papers(真题):这个就不用我多说了吧,就是过去的ACCA考试卷,考前多刷真题是通向成功的不二法门!
在工作区内不会出现试题,ACCA建议学员配合ACCA认可出版机构的所出版的练习册(question and answer banks)来使用这一资源。 请通过以下链接查找相关科目的结构化试题工作区(在每个科目的“specimen exams”下) http://www.accaglobal.com/gb/en/student/exam-support-resources.html...
试卷选取:2018年12月(即机考平台中习题 AAA Practice Exam 2) 试卷:链接 答案:链接 模考问题和建议汇总:链接 模考解析讲座:链接 AA 试卷选取:Practice test 2 试卷&答案:请在机考练习平台选择相应试卷进行练习,并查看参考答案和判分细则。机考练习平台进入方式请参照MAX小程序 – SPCBE support – Overview – ...
Financial Reporting (FR) - Specimen Exam Consolidated financial statements are presented on the basis that the companies within the group are treated as if they are a single economic entity. Which TWO of the following are requirements of preparing consolidated financial statements?