英文维基地址:http://assassinscreed.wikia.com/wiki/Assassin%27s_Creed_Wiki 2楼2014-11-16 17:19 收起回复 诸葛孔傅 区馆长 14 一、开山之作,《刺客信条》·夺命白牙二太爷发售时间:北美:西元2007年11月14日欧洲:西元2007年11月16日平台:Xbox 360, PS3, PC (2008)简介:游戏围绕着一个叫做Animus的...
MVR allows one to port the entire rig to lighting consoles/software that support the file type. Allows users to have everything pre-patched and defined inside of their software with one click. Straight from unity into your DMX software of choice. PDF is a simple patch sheet that is generate...
AC_MSG_CHECKING([whether to build libcurl and curl in "unity" mode]) AC_ARG_ENABLE(unity, AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-unity],[Enable unity mode]) AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-unity],[Disable unity (default)]), [ case "$enableval" in yes) ...
Yktoo Sound Switcher Indicator - Ubuntu/Unity 的音频输入/输出选择指示器。 聊天客户端 第三方客户端 Caprine - 优美的 Facebook Messenger 桌面应用。 Chatty - Chatty 是一款 Twitch 聊天客户端,它是为那些想尝试不同于 web 聊天的新事物,又不想像 IRC 客户端那样复杂或错过 Twitch 特色功能的用户准备的。
For proper documentation, please refer to thegithub wiki. Setup Requirements Unity 2019.4 VRChat SDK3 for Worlds UdonSharp USharp Video Player PostProcessing Stack V2 (Unity Package Manager) AudioLink v2.7+ (Full) Recommended: Open Broadcast Software (or streaming software of your choice) ...
|4|[unity3d-jp/Project_TCC](https://github.com/unity3d-jp/Project_TCC)|TCC stands for Tiny Character Controller. TCC is the best way to make your own game. This repository contains all packages and examples for TCC projects.|509|3|2024-04-30| |5|[StarfireLab/SharpWeb](https:/...
国内没人发这种贴。。。一个发了renderdoc with unity是在pc平台跑的 没有挂android 这货有点坑啊 花了好几个小时 wiki上的issue基本全看了。。。感觉是版本提交的logs https://github.com/baldurk/renderdoc/wiki/Android-Support 这个就是它对android的支持文档了 ...
AIShader - ChatGPT驱动的Unity着色器生成器 ChatGPT-API-unity - 将ChatGPT聊天完成API绑定到Unity的纯C#上。 OpenAI-Unity - 一个非官方的OpenAI Unity包,旨在帮助您直接在Unity游戏引擎中使用OpenAI API。 UnityChatGPT - 在Unity中使用Chat GPT的几个示例 gptcache - @ferret_db @oss...
|13|[unity3d-jp/Project_TCC](https://github.com/unity3d-jp/Project_TCC)|TCC stands for Tiny Character Controller. TCC is the best way to make your own game. This repository contains all packages and examples for TCC projects.|486|2024-04-30| |14|[XIU2/UACWhitelistTool](https://githu...
m_ObjectArgumentAssemblyTypeName:UnityEngine.Object, UnityEngine m_IntArgument:0 m_FloatArgument:0 m_StringArgument:http://www.jy-new.com/redmine/projects/public/wiki/%E6%8D%90%E5%8A%A9%E9%A1%B9%E7%9B%AE m_BoolArgument:1 m_CallState:2 ...