Full list of all 57 Assassin's Creed Unity achievements worth 1,300 gamerscore. It takes around 60-80 hours to unlock all of the achievements in the base game.
MVR allows one to port the entire rig to lighting consoles/software that support the file type. Allows users to have everything pre-patched and defined inside of their software with one click. Straight from unity into your DMX software of choice. PDF is a simple patch sheet that is generate...
UNITY TOOK LONG TIME TO LOAD!!! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH Well what do you know? It is expected. We're not in Godot where everything is super optimized and super light by default. You know. If your PC has no: Highest end CPU (critically Core i7 OR Ryzen 7, OR anything that has at...
关于3Dm模型导入到Unity中,你只需要注意以下几点: 当前格式是否支持导出你模型中的材质,动画,骨骼,比如你做好了一个带有材质的树,导出了OBJ格式,然后导入到Unity,这时你纳闷了,我材质哪去了?这时用FBX就不会产生这个问题。 导出设置时,当前的轴向是否为Z前,Y上,Z前Y上是Unity的世界坐标系,你导出必须要转换为这...
许多开发人员利用面向 PC 和移动设备的 Unity* 游戏创建了卓越的任务和游戏。 现在,虚拟现实功能已经集成至 Unity 3D,我们需要了解如何更新旧版游戏,以提供出色的虚拟现实体验。本文将向开发人员介绍如何转换现有的 Unity 游戏,使其兼容 HTC Vive* 虚拟现实硬件。
To reduce the annual operating costs of a distribution network (urban or rural), typical solutions based on reactive power compensation [4]; grid reconfiguration schemes [5]; or shunt active power compensation with unity power factor [6]; and with variable power factor [7] are commonly found ...
41 第十一步、打包Android或iOSVOID SLAM需使用惯性测量单元(简称IMU)。因PC端没有IMU,故无法进行调试,需要打包至手机端(Android或iOS)才能体验到实际效果。打包流程分为“Android打包”、“iOS打包”。42 - Android打包打包Android,需要将Unity切换至Android平台,点击[ File ] -> [ Build Settings... ]。...
Wir fügen regelmäßig neue GIF-Animationen zu und hinzu. Wähle die beliebtesten kostenlosen ac brotherhood GIFs für dein Handy oder deinen PC auswählen. Klicke einfach auf den Download-Button und das GIF aus der Sammlung und ac brotherhood wird auf dein Gerät heruntergeladen....
If it is set to unity, the model is purely anhysteretic. The remaining parameter, kp, controls the pinning and hysteresis of the magnetic moments. Given the parameters above, the key equation in the Jiles-Atherton model determines the change in the total magnetization M caused by a change ...
Yktoo Sound Switcher Indicator - Ubuntu/Unity 的音频输入/输出选择指示器。 聊天客户端 第三方客户端 Caprine - 优美的 Facebook Messenger 桌面应用。 Chatty - Chatty 是一款 Twitch 聊天客户端,它是为那些想尝试不同于 web 聊天的新事物,又不想像 IRC 客户端那样复杂或错过 Twitch 特色功能的用户准备的。