Lockheed AC-130U Spooky by Rhine_Lab_Muelsyse 3D Loading 3D model Model is too heavy for your device and can not be rendered properly Model Inspector 00:00.00 x0.1 x0.5 x1 x2
The AC-130U Spooky gunship is the primary weapon of Air Force Special Operations Command. Its primary missions are close air support, air interdiction and armed reconnaissance. The U model is an upgraded version of the H and is equipped with side firing, trainable 25mm, 40mm, and 105mm ...
Yep, it's here after all. Requested many times on many pages and here we finally go... The AC-130 Gunship in all its glory comes to GTA V. This version depicts the AC-130U Spooky II version currently in service with the USAF. It features a 25mm, 40mm and 105mm cannon to provide...
The U.S. Air Force's new AC-130J Ghostriders have been flying combat missions in Afghanistan since June 2019. The gunships took over from AC-130U Spooky IIs that had been supporting U.S. and coalition special operations forces and their Afghan partners i
ReEntry RANGES (MPH) Subsonic: <614mph | Transonic: 614-921 | Supersonic: 921-3836 | Hypersonic: 3836-7673 | Hi-Hypersonic: 7673-19180 | Reentry: >19030 Aviation Timeline EarlyYrs WWI Interwar WWII ColdWar Postwar Modern Future 1 / 1 ...
Ranch House Spooky Eye3D Model pigeonsarentreal Follow 27 27 Views 0Like Add toEmbedShareReport Triangles: 18.5k Vertices: 9.8kMore model information No description provided. Published a year ago Oct 8th 2023 Uploaded with BlenderNo category set.No tags set....